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Cherry Addict

Good Morning July 5, 2014
Good Morning!  America, how are you?  I love that song!  Arlo Guthrie did it right.  It is another typical weather day here.  Starting out mild and partly cloudy.  I find such pleasure in looking out the window and checking it.  lol   Yesterday, the black birds, bluebirds and mockingbirds were chasing each other around and around and away from my fig trees.  It was a swarm!  I ate one and they are almost perfectly ripe.  Maybe today I can have some for a snack.  What a birthday treat!  First, I am going to breakfast with friends, then they have to get on the road back to Ohio.  Later, my dd and her dh are giving dinner party with grilled hamburger and sides of fireworks for me 6-1-PM.  Y'all come!  I am so excited I can hardly wait!  I never really grew up and love to have people around me.  The presents embarrass me, I don't like that attention, but somehow, never find the will to give them back  lol  Like I said, I never grew up.  That is my day todayl

What are your plans for this blessing of a day?  It is Saturday!  Play if you can.
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Cherry Tart

Re: Good Morning July 5, 2014
Happy Birthday!  Have fun today!  Mine was yesterday and at 52 I still like to celebrate ;)  Another rainy day here - Arthur is still kicking up out on the coast and driving the rain in but tomorrow is supposed to be nice and sunny again. I have to work today anyway. Maybe even scrap later on today and I need to work on scanning tons of photos from my old paper scrapbook albums that are all falling apart - danged adhesives haven't held up over the past 10 years. So they're getting scanned and I'll eventually scrap them digitally.
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Scrap Bug

Cherry Bomb

Re: Good Morning July 5, 2014
Happy Birthday Bibi!

I'm at work right now on break. Nothing special planned for later. 
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Good Morning July 5, 2014
What a wonderful way to celebrate!!! I hope your day is awesome!!!!! Light breeze and nice here, even have the windows open, at least for now. Beautiful morning! And Bibi, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
ImageSusan  Image   Image  Image
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Cherry Cola

Re: Good Morning July 5, 2014
Good morning and happy B-day! I am hoping to get out of the house and go to some tag sales with the kiddos and bring them to the local home depot free kids build today. It actually doesn't look like it will warm up enough to bring them swimming at my Dads pool until tomorrow afternoon. But at least we can BBQ today, we couldn't yesterday because of rain. DD is chomping at the bit to make S'mores. She even found some flat square marshmallows just for that purpose so we HAD to get them dontcha know! :)
We will play board games and probably go through the sprinkler while we cook out. Looking forward to it.

Then I will be able to scrap the night away. Looking forward to that too!!
- Jillian

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A Cherry on Top

Re: Good Morning July 5, 2014
Happy birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day! I'm working late today and just got back from my jog, have to empty the dishwasher and do a few household chores first. The rain cleared here in time for fireworks and my neighborhood went all out.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Good Morning July 5, 2014
Happy birthday Bibi.

Jillian we bought those marshmallows too. They are the perfect size, easier to eat between the chocolate and Graham crackers. I just finished a layout with us making stores. I didn't upload it because it was a pre-made kit.

Today is cool finally. I'm going on the bike trail soon. I'm so happy - no humidity or rain Image
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Cherry Bark

Re: Good Morning July 5, 2014
Good Morning cherries and Happy Birthday Bibi!!

Had a rough night last night and it wasn't due to fireworks with the scared pups. The pups did VERY well! was my tummy....I had made the stuffed fried jalapenos as a late lunch and then we did beef and chicken fajitas on the grill and my mom threw in some peppers/onions and that is what didn't agree with me. Usually I eat my fajitas with letttuce/tomato/avacadoe. Plus it was late. Like 9pm late. I still feel really bad. Image

Anyways, hoping to relax today, and possibly scrap. I did get the newest BF sketch started and I just need to put the finishing touches on it!

For everyone who is following the Lady Lou Updates:
Lady is sleeping right now, but she has taken 1/2 of her pain medication this morning with a little bit of food. I am hoping the pain meds will start kicking in and when she wakes up, maybe try giving her the other half, along with her antibiotic.

Anyways, hope everyone gets to have a GREAT Saturday!
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Wild Cherry

Re: Good Morning July 5, 2014
Croppinmama wrote:Happy birthday Bibi.

Jillian we bought those marshmallows too. They are the perfect size, easier to eat between the chocolate and Graham crackers. I just finished a layout with us making stores. I didn't upload it because it was a pre-made kit.

Today is cool finally. I'm going on the bike trail soon. I'm so happy - no humidity or rain Image
I'll have to look for those marshmallows. My family loves smores.

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Wild Cherry

Re: Good Morning July 5, 2014
Good Morning Bibi! Happy happy Birthday! Looking forward to seeing  you later.

We had a good time with my ds#1's family last night. The youngest provided us with such laughter and joy as we watched his reactions to some home fireworks. Got to bed late and waking late. Need to get a move on as I have many things to do this morning before it gets away from me! Nurse will be here this afternoon so I can go to Bibi's party which btw, was supposed to be  a surprise party but some things just happen. Glad you got to see some fireworks last night Bibi.

Yes, the weather is good today, sunny and bright, no rain in sight! Wish I had a pool...sigh..

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Cherry Cropper

Re: Good Morning July 5, 2014
It's going to be sunny and warm here, and I plan on scrapping most of the day!  I do need to run to the local grocery store and fix some dinner for a couple from our church who recently had their first baby.  Will take that out to them this afternoon, and I need to do a few little chores around here.

Have a happy birthday, Bibi!

Image Image  
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Cherry Picker

Re: Good Morning July 5, 2014
So now I understand this weather - God ordered this heavenly breeze for your birthday!!! It's almost perfect here - I'm sitting on the deck which almost never happens this late in the day.  I  hope you have a wonderful time at your party - you deserve a great one!  
"I find it is the small things - everyday deeds by ordinary folk - that keeps the darkness at bay." (Gandalf)
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Berta R.

Cherry Bing

Re: Good Morning July 5, 2014
Hope your day is AWESOME, Bibi!!  I too love looking out the window or peering out the door to see what's happening out there. 

I had to chuckle this morning.  Our cats were all staring out the door so I went to see what they were so interested in.  There was a big black crow sitting on a light post across the street.  He was screaming at a little black cat that was just meandering down the sidewalk in front of our house.  A couple seconds later a friend joined the crow so I decided enough was enough. Didn't want them ganging up on the poor kitty.  So I walked outside and clapped my hands and the crows flew off.  The cat just meandered on down the road...Image

We and our 4 dogs survived the 4th.  However our neighbors were having a party and had loud music and drumming going on til after 1 am.  It only happens a couple times a year so we don't complain.

Hope you all are having a great weekend!

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Cherry Tart

Re: Good Morning July 5, 2014
Had a wonderful 4th! Lots of fun memories to scrap! Very stormy here this morning and stayed up so late last night I didn't want to get up!
*Mommy to Kaden, Blake and Ava*

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Cherry Delight

Re: Good Morning July 5, 2014
ugh not so good around here.  Another most of the night party behind us.  Music, shouting, laughing and firecrackers until nearly 2a.m.  I was so tired.  I got up at 8am  to give DH his morning meds and then went back to bed.  Well you know that blows the entire morning when you stay in bed until nearly 10 o'clock.  But since then I have managed to get a little done including almost finished with a challenge layout.  Just popped in here while I ate lunch (finished 1/2 hour ago-why am I still on here).  No plans for today.  Should be about 99 degrees today and hotter tomorrow.   AC is working overtime.
Have a good and a safe Saturday
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