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Cherry Addict

Good Morning July 2, 2014
Good Morning!  It is bright, sunny and going to get up to 94 degrees today.  I checked first.  There is so much business work to take care of today.  Mostly little things, easy but necessary.  More getting organized and house cleaning.  But first, I brought out some scrappy supplies from my work room/bedroom last night so I can make some Thank you cards.  I know, I keep saying I am going to do it, but life has a way of holding me back.  But not this morning.  My plan is to make the base of many and complete at least two cards for the kindnesses rendered by some neighbors.  I have the best neighborhood!  And I need to return some plastic ware.  So much to do and I am energized in the morning.

What are your plans for this blessing of a day?  Have a wonderful day.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Good Morning July 2, 2014
Good morning ladies. It's hot here too. At 7am the air was already thick with humidity. Had a great time with Mildred  last night. She's great!! I want to scrap tonight. I already told the family that after dinner I'm going in my scrap room and not to bother me unless the house is on fire  Image

Have a great day ladies.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Good Morning July 2, 2014
Croppinmama wrote:Good morning ladies. It's hot here too. At 7am the air was already thick with humidity. Had a great time with Mildred  last night. She's great!! I want to scrap tonight. I already told the family that after dinner I'm going in my scrap room and not to bother me unless the house is on fire  Image

Have a great day ladies.
If your house was on fire, what would you save first?  Get in there and scrap! 
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Cherry Cola

Re: Good Morning July 2, 2014
1grandma wrote:
Croppinmama wrote:Good morning ladies. It's hot here too. At 7am the air was already thick with humidity. Had a great time with Mildred  last night. She's great!! I want to scrap tonight. I already told the family that after dinner I'm going in my scrap room and not to bother me unless the house is on fire  Image

Have a great day ladies.
If your house was on fire, what would you save first?  Get in there and scrap! 
After saving my kids I would grab all my scrap albums. Wait...I have so many alums...would it be awful  to ask my family to grab a few while on the way out of the burning house? Image
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Good Morning July 2, 2014
Bibi, I've been so out of touch lately, but my heart is singing this morning seeing no "updates" on you but rather you yelling at us to get moving again.  You are amazing!! I love you dearly!

I'm leaving at 12:30 today so the podiatrist can take a five second look at my toe (yes THAT toe) and say "Looks good" and I'm going home before we get the nasty storms this afternoon.  Great time to scrap.  Last night I was still recuping from the "off to Europe" crowd vs. the "First day of work" son.   Just then I got what I needed - my new neighbors from Corning NY asked me if it was garbage night - they are 68 and as she said "He's much older than me, 74"  lol, and she's an artist, and they had gone for a walk with their two pugs.  So I invited them in, and she pointed at the two dogs and I laughed - I said there's already four inside, what's two more?  So it was all good. Running thru my condo, having a great time - My sister's dog, as well as Scully and the two pugs, and the one cat "watched" while the other one hid.  When they left a half hour later?  The dogs went to their beds and went to sleep.  They had had it.  But it was just what I needed.

Hopefully I'll get to scrap tonight.  I'm taking the PageMaps class #2 and haven't touched a thing for the four pages to do this week. So maybe I'll see what that's all about.  And I'm already downloading the challenges, but with the family coming home and my niece driving me nuts, I may just be sticking around the house, not the family pool.   

Have a great day everyone!!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Good Morning July 2, 2014
Good morning! Chilly here...55 right now and gloomy. Wearing jeans! Going to work in a few minutes with the kids. Then we have to run to the library, store for crafty goodness, and a few other misc. things.
Enjoy your day cherries!
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Good Morning July 2, 2014
Good Morning!  I haven't been around in what seems like forever!  I'm hoping that's going to change!  I've cleaned off my desk and have gotten some pictures laid out to scrap, hopefully this weekend!

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A Cherry on Top

Re: Good Morning July 2, 2014
Morning everyone! DD is working all week so I have little grandson again today. We're hoping to get to the pool as it was rainy when we had planned to earlier in the week. Catching up on laundry, etc. today and off to get some aerobics in via.....Just Dancing with the Wii.

Hope to squeeze in alittle scrap time today.

Have a great day, all!
Image Image ImageImage
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Cherry Bark

Re: Good Morning July 2, 2014
Morning all! Hot and humid here too. Already been busy with work/emails.

Staying inside today, hoping to scrap later.
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

  ImageImage   Image Image
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Scrap Bug

Cherry Bomb

Re: Good Morning July 2, 2014
Good morning.

I did some laundry this morning and then just have been goofing off on the computer.  

I'm about to get up and start making peach preserves/jam.  I got a 25 lb. box add on with my bountiful baskets, and I need to get it going.  

I scored a bunch of free box seat  tickets to the local baseball game for this evening (32), so we'll be going to the game this evening.  I was able to give away all the rest and bless others, so it should be a fun activity to get out of the house.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Good Morning July 2, 2014
Deanna13 wrote:Morning everyone! DD is working all week so I have little grandson again today. We're hoping to get to the pool as it was rainy when we had planned to earlier in the week. Catching up on laundry, etc. today and off to get some aerobics in via.....Just Dancing with the Wii.

Hope to squeeze in alittle scrap time today.

Have a great day, all!
I envy you your time with the grands!  Doing anything.  Doesn't matter what, it is the time that counts.  I have a WII and want to get it up and running so I can exercise using it. 
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Cherry Addict

Re: Good Morning July 2, 2014
blbabe1234 wrote:Morning all! Hot and humid here too. Already been busy with work/emails.

Staying inside today, hoping to scrap later.
Good plan. 
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Cherry Addict

Re: Good Morning July 2, 2014
ScrappyBug wrote:Good morning.

I did some laundry this morning and then just have been goofing off on the computer.  

I'm about to get up and start making peach preserves/jam.  I got a 25 lb. box add on with my bountiful baskets, and I need to get it going.  

I scored a bunch of free box seat  tickets to the local baseball game for this evening (32), so we'll be going to the game this evening.  I was able to give away all the rest and bless others, so it should be a fun activity to get out of the house.
It sounds lovey and lots of fun with people you know.  Let us know who wins and if the game was good.  Or is it a party time instead of game time.  That happens locally here. 
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Cherry Picker

Re: Good Morning July 2, 2014
Afternoon Ladies.  It is hot and humid today...just like yesterday.  
I am working today. The kids are doing their chores and summer reading.
Nothing much on the agenda for today.

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Cherry Picker

Re: Good Morning July 2, 2014
Good morning.  I'm actually going to finish a shell picture to go with the other 2 that are finished.  I'm using Graphic45 By the Sea and following some of their designer projects.  Feels good to have them done.

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Cherry Delight

Re: Good Morning July 2, 2014
so good to see you on here and making plans for your day.  But just remember you recently had major surgery so moderation.  OK?  lol
going to be about 94 here again today and that isn't bad.  Nice delta breeze in evenings and early mornings keep it nice at night.  Typical summer weather for July here.
DH has an appointment with an oral surgeon this afternoon.  There is some kind of sore on his tongue so the dentist wants him to see this guy for a possible biopsy.  I think it may be caused by his e-cigs.  But we will see.  That is about it for me today.  Easy peasy day.

Have a good and safe day.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Good Morning July 2, 2014
Morris4 wrote:Afternoon Ladies.  It is hot and humid today...just like yesterday.  
I am working today. The kids are doing their chores and summer reading.
Nothing much on the agenda for today.
Sounds like my kind of favorite day, Sherrie. 
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Cherry Addict

Re: Good Morning July 2, 2014
xmashall2 wrote:Good morning.  I'm actually going to finish a shell picture to go with the other 2 that are finished.  I'm using Graphic45 By the Sea and following some of their designer projects.  Feels good to have them done.

I am going to look at them.  It does feel good to finish a project.  I did a July 4th wreath for the front door.  It is awful, but beautiful at the same time.  Best part?  It is done!   lol   I went to look at them and you did not upload them.  I did not take a pic of the wreath, either.  We are two of a kind.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Good Morning July 2, 2014
Charleneanne wrote:so good to see you on here and making plans for your day.  But just remember you recently had major surgery so moderation.  OK?  lol
going to be about 94 here again today and that isn't bad.  Nice delta breeze in evenings and early mornings keep it nice at night.  Typical summer weather for July here.
DH has an appointment with an oral surgeon this afternoon.  There is some kind of sore on his tongue so the dentist wants him to see this guy for a possible biopsy.  I think it may be caused by his e-cigs.  But we will see.  That is about it for me today.  Easy peasy day.

Have a good and safe day.
Take it easy?  My dd is a slave driver today.  She is making me choose what to keep or toss!  Stress!  lol  But needing to get done.  I just am not made to do it.  So, while she is here to help, it is getting done!  I am sitting down, but ready for my second nap.  I hope the sore in nothing to worry about.  E-cigs can cause that? 
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