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Cherry Addict

Good morning! Monday 5/12
I know it isn't morning, but I'm still getting on the computer, haven't found this thread, and after all, only a mere 2 time zones west of me, it still IS morning!

I haven't been around much the past few much happening! Have y'all missed me? lol Or what have I missed with all of you?

Did everyone have a good day yesterday! We all have mother's in our lives...whether they are our own mothers, mother in laws, we are mothers ourselves to two legged or four legged babies. We all, as women, have mothering that goes on, and I'd like to give a shout out to ALL of us...who juggle everyone else's needs along with our own, and do it with a smile...most of the time, anyway.

I got the neatest card from my kids...2 cards actually. One said on the front "Even though there were lots of days when it seemd like a good idea to run away"...and on the inside it said "But you never did. Happy Mother's Day!" I laughed! There are definitely days when I've wanted to run away, but I stay, and it's all worth it. Then my son gave me a card that said all the things moms know...very length and very funny. And I got a painted canvas that the kids made with a great saying from Walt Disney, a statue of an angel that is very earth toned and I love it, and a basket full of field flowers from DH! The lady at the florist tried to talk Bob into roses, but he insisted I wouldn't want them...and he is right. I don't particularly care for roses. They are nice and all, but they are expensive (and I hate the way the prices are jacked up for Mother's Day) and they don't last...I much prefer carnations and daisies and things like that. He picked perfectly!

Then we went golfing...first day in shorts! It hit 77 degrees yesterday with intermittent sunshine and clouds, but a gorgeous day. I found a golf course that Moms golfed free on Mother's Day, and when we got there we found out Bob qualified for the senior rate (golf courses vary, this one considered seniors at 55) so he played for $23. So...we got 18 holes of golf, 5 hours on the course (we played wasn't busy and we were just having fun) for $23!!! Not a bad day at all! Now personally, I feel like if the pro golf tour considers you eligible for the senior tour at 50, then I ought to get senior rates at 50 too....then in September I can start saving money! lol

We spent last night in the trailer...woke up to light rain. I so love the sound of rain on the trailer relaxing! It's cool and damp today...63 degrees right now and off and on rain, but I'm still wearing shorts and sandals! Bob is snoring, taking a nap before he has to go in to work. And yes, we are still sitting in the trailer in the driveway....with our wireless router reaching his far! lol

What are you all up to today?
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You don't quit playing because you grow grow old because you quit playing.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Good morning! Monday 5/12
Yesterday was ok but certinly not what I expected.  I guess that is what happens when the kids start getting older.  Today I have a headache and I am trying to work through it so we'll see how the rest of the day goes.  Image
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Good morning! Monday 5/12
Nancy your day sounded so perfect!!!!

My Mother's Day started a day early with a call from DD#1 wishing me a Happy Mother's Day. I told her I was a little sad because it would be my first Mother's Day in 27 years that she wasn't here with me. Her response "Mom, it's ok, I'll be fine" - Ummmm.....I was like "What? But I won't be." She laughed at me and I laughed as well. She was just trying to help me not feel sad. She is pretty amazing.

Yesterday morning I wake up and there are 2 cards on the keyboard of my computer (yes this is the first thing I do EVERY morning). The first one I opened was from Tucker - my doggie (I never knew they had cards from your pets for Mother's Day). It was so long and cute. The other card was from Midnight - my kittie. It too was so cute. DH said when he saw them he couldn't pass up getting them for me.

DH left me to scrap but gave me a deadline of 2pm. So I got ready for the day and was able to get a LO done for the Ad Challenge. When time was up, he said we were going to get a treat. I was so confused but didn't question anything. We drove a little bit up the highway and turned into a new business. We now have a fudge shop in our neighborhood Image He told me to pick out a pound of fudge. The lady was so cool she said that the pound didn't need to be all one kind either. So I picked some Butterfinger Fudge, Heath Bar Fudge and some Rocky Road Fudge. I was only allowed to take a bite of each, as we had early dinner plans with DD#2. So we brought the fudge home.

Dinner plans were at Olive Garden (my favorite place). We got there a little bit early so we could get a table. DD#2 had to work til 4pm so it worked out great. Once she got there and we got ordered, she gave me a cute little bag with a card. The card was one of those that plays music when you open it. The song was the Tequilla song Image In the bottom of the bag, was a little present. I opened it very carefully and it was a little box. I opened the box and there was another box. Hmmmmm.......when I opened that box, I almost cried. Here her and DH bought me a new wedding ring Image I have not been able to wear mine for the past 2 years (darn the weight gain) and it can't be resized as it is Blackhills gold and has been sized once already. It is a little small, so today after work DH and I are going to go to the jewlers and have it sized. I am hoping to have it back before we leave on our trip next week.

After we got home from dinner, and while I was letting out Tucker, DH's phone rings. Here it is DD#1 AGAIN!!!! She didn't think she would be able to call on Mother's Day, so I wasn't expecting her. She wished me a Happy Mother's Day again and then asked about my day. It was a perfect ending to a perfect day Image
Mildred - Mom to 2 girls and a husband (I tell people that I am a single mom of 3. Ages 59, 37 and 31) lol. And a proud Grandma to Orahn (7) Sawyer (5) and Mazie (3).

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Cherry Bark

Re: Good morning! Monday 5/12
Hey Nancy! Glad to hear from you. Sounds like you had a great day yesterday, as you should.

Just working today. Taking it day by day, hour by hour. Been overwhelmed, worries, stressed out, and anxious for the past two weeks so I'm hoping things can "settle down" soon...

But today, so far, okay. Morning has been pretty good. Just had a talk with my client and I feel like we are all on the same now.
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Cherry Picker

Re: Good morning! Monday 5/12
I made a lasagna and took it to my daughters and the rest of the family came.  It was such a grand time for me.  Nothing was really planned out, and we were never not visiting.  Came home with 2 plants, a Kalanchoe basket
an orchid.  Guess I'll have to make a houseplant area, since I already had a beautiful blue hydrangea from my husband, a small Kalanchoe from my granddaughter from Easter.  They all joint a Christmas cactus that have survived my neglect and always blooms.   Thing I'll get a little table of somekind for them all.

Happy Mother's Day to you all.

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Cherry Picker

Re: Good morning! Monday 5/12
Think I'd better start using spellcheck.

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Good morning! Monday 5/12
Work for me on this cold, SNOWY Monday! Then home to purge and pack some more. I'm stressing over the fact that I have 3 weeks to get everything done (with the baby and a fractued wrist, things are going so much slower than I had hoped) Then, as if I am not stressed enough right now with the packing and the move that I DO NOT want to make Image, DF springs on me that his buddy, who lives about a hour and a half from us, is now needing a place to stay until we move and then wants to hitch a ride with us back to TX. So now, I have an unemployed house guest for the next three weeks as I try to pack up and say goodbye. We really don't have the room, especially with us getting rid of a lot of our furniture already. DF says he'll be ok with sleeping on the couch, but I'm like, where are we all going to sit in the evening since our couch is barely long enough for DF and me to sit on at the same time. Now we have another adult... and we defintely don't have the money to feed another mouth right now... sorry, had to vent because DF doesn't get why I am upset.
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Good morning! Monday 5/12
Sitting on the couch with my 3 year old daughter trying to catch up on my quilting blogs from the weekend.  Also trying to stay warm as it is only 41 today with over 30 mph winds.  Very gloomy, feels more like a late fall moving into winter day than a spring moving towards summer one.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Good morning! Monday 5/12
doviana wrote:Yesterday was ok but certinly not what I expected.  I guess that is what happens when the kids start getting older.  Today I have a headache and I am trying to work through it so we'll see how the rest of the day goes.  Image
I'm sorry your day wasn't as expected. Mine almost seem to get better as they get older because they no longer need help nor reminders that it's Mother's Day! lol

I hope your headache goes away fast!
 Image Image
You don't quit playing because you grow grow old because you quit playing.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Good morning! Monday 5/12
mgehrke wrote:Nancy your day sounded so perfect!!!!

My Mother's Day started a day early with a call from DD#1 wishing me a Happy Mother's Day. I told her I was a little sad because it would be my first Mother's Day in 27 years that she wasn't here with me. Her response "Mom, it's ok, I'll be fine" - Ummmm.....I was like "What? But I won't be." She laughed at me and I laughed as well. She was just trying to help me not feel sad. She is pretty amazing.

Yesterday morning I wake up and there are 2 cards on the keyboard of my computer (yes this is the first thing I do EVERY morning). The first one I opened was from Tucker - my doggie (I never knew they had cards from your pets for Mother's Day). It was so long and cute. The other card was from Midnight - my kittie. It too was so cute. DH said when he saw them he couldn't pass up getting them for me.

DH left me to scrap but gave me a deadline of 2pm. So I got ready for the day and was able to get a LO done for the Ad Challenge. When time was up, he said we were going to get a treat. I was so confused but didn't question anything. We drove a little bit up the highway and turned into a new business. We now have a fudge shop in our neighborhood Image He told me to pick out a pound of fudge. The lady was so cool she said that the pound didn't need to be all one kind either. So I picked some Butterfinger Fudge, Heath Bar Fudge and some Rocky Road Fudge. I was only allowed to take a bite of each, as we had early dinner plans with DD#2. So we brought the fudge home.

Dinner plans were at Olive Garden (my favorite place). We got there a little bit early so we could get a table. DD#2 had to work til 4pm so it worked out great. Once she got there and we got ordered, she gave me a cute little bag with a card. The card was one of those that plays music when you open it. The song was the Tequilla song Image In the bottom of the bag, was a little present. I opened it very carefully and it was a little box. I opened the box and there was another box. Hmmmmm.......when I opened that box, I almost cried. Here her and DH bought me a new wedding ring Image I have not been able to wear mine for the past 2 years (darn the weight gain) and it can't be resized as it is Blackhills gold and has been sized once already. It is a little small, so today after work DH and I are going to go to the jewlers and have it sized. I am hoping to have it back before we leave on our trip next week.

After we got home from dinner, and while I was letting out Tucker, DH's phone rings. Here it is DD#1 AGAIN!!!! She didn't think she would be able to call on Mother's Day, so I wasn't expecting her. She wished me a Happy Mother's Day again and then asked about my day. It was a perfect ending to a perfect day Image
What an awesome day! I loved those calls from Evan when he was in training when I didn't expect them.

I wear a very inexpensive wedding set....I paid $48 plus tax for mine. It's sterling silver with fake diamonds that I get tons of compliments on. That way...if I want new ones....I don't have to feel bad! lol  DH keeps saying he wants to get me a nice, big, real diamond...and I really don't want one! If he wants to get me a can be a wide sapphire band. But congrats on yours...I feel naked without my ring on!
 Image Image
You don't quit playing because you grow grow old because you quit playing.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Good morning! Monday 5/12
blbabe1234 wrote:Hey Nancy! Glad to hear from you. Sounds like you had a great day yesterday, as you should.

Just working today. Taking it day by day, hour by hour. Been overwhelmed, worries, stressed out, and anxious for the past two weeks so I'm hoping things can "settle down" soon...

But today, so far, okay. Morning has been pretty good. Just had a talk with my client and I feel like we are all on the same now.
I hope everything continues to mellow down for you. Take it minute by minute if you have to to get through!
 Image Image
You don't quit playing because you grow grow old because you quit playing.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Good morning! Monday 5/12
xmashall2 wrote:I made a lasagna and took it to my daughters and the rest of the family came.  It was such a grand time for me.  Nothing was really planned out, and we were never not visiting.  Came home with 2 plants, a Kalanchoe basket
an orchid.  Guess I'll have to make a houseplant area, since I already had a beautiful blue hydrangea from my husband, a small Kalanchoe from my granddaughter from Easter.  They all joint a Christmas cactus that have survived my neglect and always blooms.   Thing I'll get a little table of somekind for them all.

Happy Mother's Day to you all.

I don't do well with plants...I forget about them or over water them in my fear of forgetting about them! lol  I need "hard to kill" plants. What is a Kalanchoe?
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You don't quit playing because you grow grow old because you quit playing.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Good morning! Monday 5/12
xmashall2 wrote:Think I'd better start using spellcheck.

lol...why? That takes all the fun out! 
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You don't quit playing because you grow grow old because you quit playing.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Good morning! Monday 5/12
emarie803 wrote:Work for me on this cold, SNOWY Monday! Then home to purge and pack some more. I'm stressing over the fact that I have 3 weeks to get everything done (with the baby and a fractued wrist, things are going so much slower than I had hoped) Then, as if I am not stressed enough right now with the packing and the move that I DO NOT want to make Image, DF springs on me that his buddy, who lives about a hour and a half from us, is now needing a place to stay until we move and then wants to hitch a ride with us back to TX. So now, I have an unemployed house guest for the next three weeks as I try to pack up and say goodbye. We really don't have the room, especially with us getting rid of a lot of our furniture already. DF says he'll be ok with sleeping on the couch, but I'm like, where are we all going to sit in the evening since our couch is barely long enough for DF and me to sit on at the same time. Now we have another adult... and we defintely don't have the money to feed another mouth right now... sorry, had to vent because DF doesn't get why I am upset.
My sister lives outside of Denver too, and her kids had baseball games cancelled because of snow! 

Vent away...that's why we're here. I wouldn't be happy about that either. Is the friend at least going to contribute some money towards the household? I'd be asking DF if he has discussed that with him, and if he hasnt', I would! But then, I'm a mouthy little turd sometimes.
 Image Image
You don't quit playing because you grow grow old because you quit playing.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Good morning! Monday 5/12
NJohnson wrote:Sitting on the couch with my 3 year old daughter trying to catch up on my quilting blogs from the weekend.  Also trying to stay warm as it is only 41 today with over 30 mph winds.  Very gloomy, feels more like a late fall moving into winter day than a spring moving towards summer one.
I'm so excited to finally have some warm weather...I definitely understand your feelings! Spring has been very late in coming around here. Where do you live? Is there at least a little warmth in your forecast soon?
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You don't quit playing because you grow grow old because you quit playing.
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Cherry Crush

Re: Good morning! Monday 5/12
Mother's Day was nice and quiet!!!  Couldn't ask for anything else!

Stormy here today!  Trying to show our new cat all the ins and outs of our house!

Glad you got to break out the shorts and sandals, and golf to boot!!
OCD is not an adjective.  It is not a personality quirk. It is not synonymous with being organized.  It is a complex and debilitating mental health illness that affects people of all ages and walks of life, and is defined by the presence of unwanted, intrusive thoughts and repetitive actions. 💙 I am an OCD warrior and I fight for my son. 💙


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Cherry Addict

Re: Good morning! Monday 5/12
Laura wrote:Mother's Day was nice and quiet!!!  Couldn't ask for anything else!

Stormy here today!  Trying to show our new cat all the ins and outs of our house!

Glad you got to break out the shorts and sandals, and golf to boot!!
It's rainy here today too. Do you know what your weather forecast this week is? DH is wanting to head south now instead of north to try out the trailer this week.
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You don't quit playing because you grow grow old because you quit playing.
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Cherry Crush

Re: Good morning! Monday 5/12
Well, we're still warm and stormy tomorrow and then Wednesday through Sunday we're back to the upper 50's . . . maybe 60's by the weekend -- with rain chances pretty much everyday!
OCD is not an adjective.  It is not a personality quirk. It is not synonymous with being organized.  It is a complex and debilitating mental health illness that affects people of all ages and walks of life, and is defined by the presence of unwanted, intrusive thoughts and repetitive actions. 💙 I am an OCD warrior and I fight for my son. 💙


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Cherry Berry

Re: Good morning! Monday 5/12
Just another day at work for me...has been pretty quiet though so I have been filling up a basket with a few things from the ACOT store! ;)  Alyson has dance class tonight so I most likely won't even get a chance to step into my scrap space but oh well.  I am still just giddy that I got a couple of layouts finished over the weekend.

Things at my daughter's dance studio are going to be very hard tonight as this past Wednesday one of the students passed away.  It is a horrific thing...seems the father shot both of his kids (daughter 16 and son 19) and his wife in the head while they slept and then set the house on fire.  From what investigators have uncovered it was premeditated for days.  The daughter was actually in the class right after Alyson's tonight.  It hits disturbingly close to home.  Alyson has been upset about it and I can only imagine how the girls in her classes will be.  I have a hard time wrapping my brain around it.

Have a "magical" day
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Berta R.

Cherry Bing

Re: Good morning! Monday 5/12
I almost envy you guys with the cold.  It's going to get up 94 today and 97 by Wednesday!  That's a little too warm for May!  Image 

My Mothers Day was soooooooo peaceful yesterday>  Maybe it's just my age but that was the best gift ever just having quiet time to myself.  I did get flowers and balloons. Very pretty!  However I have to keep the flowers up high so the kitties won't eat them...LOL!  Image

My agenda today consists of laundry and watering the yard.  Exciting, huh?  Hope you all are having a good day!
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