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Cherry Cola

Re: Baby Names
And my Sister's married name is Benck (pronounced Bank) so she was really careful when she picked out names so that she didn't end up with River Benck or anything like that.  She ended up with Ethan, Kellan, Gavin and Sutton and I love their names!!

I have OCD (big time), so I was loving that they all ended in N....and then my bro named his kids Tristen, Lincoln and Xannon....more N's....**HAPPY DANCE**...then my other bro had twin boys. I begged him to go with more N's...but he went with Michael and David......(but at least there are 2 odds so my ocd is still happy) **LOL**
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Janell B.

Cherry Tart

Re: Baby Names
Temperance makes me think of Bones. Love that show! Some friends named their daughter Arrow and my cousin named her twins kutler and Kyanne.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Baby Names
ScrappyBug wrote:
average_kim wrote:This is true.  But some names that we consider girl names now, were once masculine names.  What was the guy's name on Gone With the Wind? --
Ashley.  I'm thinking Shelby, too.  And, I know an older man (maybe 70ish) named Lindsay, and I taught a young man (about 15 years ago) who was named Lindsay--but his nick name was "Oogie."
I know Shelby is a girl name too, and Steel Magnolias comes to mind, but personally I have only known shelbys who were boys.
I had Shelby picked out if Adrian had been a girl.
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Cherry Crush

Re: Baby Names
cynderellaj wrote:My Brother and SIL, named their last son Xannon (zannon).  At first I didn't like it, but it has grown on me...only I have to be careful when I write it because I so often want to put a Z instead of an X. 

However, he has a great grandma who just can't remember and keeps calling him Xerox.......poor kid!!!
I know I shouldn't be laughing, but to have your grammy call you Xerox!  LOL!  You're right, poor kid! 
OCD is not an adjective.  It is not a personality quirk. It is not synonymous with being organized.  It is a complex and debilitating mental health illness that affects people of all ages and walks of life, and is defined by the presence of unwanted, intrusive thoughts and repetitive actions. 💙 I am an OCD warrior and I fight for my son. 💙


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Cherry Addict

Re: Baby Names
MacSarah wrote:I have met both a Temperance and a Farran.

I wanted my kids to have names that were not so common that there were 8 in a class (having been scarred in 4th grade by being labeled "Sarah 5"), but common enough that people would be able to spell, and pronounce them easily.  They also had to have nicknames, because I never had one, and desperately wanted one.  So their names are Marlayna Lynne (Layna) and Liberty Alan (Libby).

My mom is an OB nurse and she has seen some crazy names during her career!

When I had braces there was a girl who went to the same orthodontist named Crystal, here last name was Kleer.
I have worked OB too...definitely seen some weird names. We had one lady name her baby "Dequarius Decavio." Our little joke was did she not know if he was conceived in a cave or a quarry?  I have also seen babies named Poinsettia and Placenta...the latter one because the mom (uneducated) said "it sounded pretty." Cmon...really?

And now I work in an inner city ER....when people sign in to be seen, they sign a paper slip and then we call their names to triage them. The slip asks for first name only, in an attempt to provide confidentiality. Well, we couldn't pronounce (nor read half the time) the names! They now sign in with full names, so it gives us a better option to be able to call the right person. And a part of our checking to make sure we are doing the right thing for the right patient, we check names and birth dates. I always make them say their name, because then I have a clue as to how to say it myself! People with the oddest names always seem to have the ones toughest to pronounce.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Baby Names
When I was carrying dd Miranda, one of the names we chose was Mercedes.  And as a middle name Querida (which in English means Beloved).  Except that in some Latino realms, it also has a bad connotation similar to "Brooklyn Ho".  My mom had a fit, and so that name was out the window.  I couldn't find another name that I liked with Mercedes, so Miranda became the first choice.

My youngest dd's middle name is Llyn.  Not spelled Lynn but Llyn, since it is the tail end of her father's middle name, Llewellyn.  His first name was Dexter.  And he was the III (Third), as his father was Jr, and his grandfather was Sr.  But he went by Dickie as a child.  

I have a friend whose name is Kandas, but you can't call her Kandy or she gets really upset.  And I have another friend whose was name Cavalene (after her father Calvin), who does go by the name Kandy.  I have to be really careful when I call them, as they are next to each other in my address book.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Baby Names
letumom wrote:When I was carrying dd Miranda, one of the names we chose was Mercedes.  And as a middle name Querida (which in English means Beloved).  Except that in some Latino realms, it also has a bad connotation similar to "Brooklyn Ho".  My mom had a fit, and so that name was out the window.  I couldn't find another name that I liked with Mercedes, so Miranda became the first choice.

My youngest dd's middle name is Llyn.  Not spelled Lynn but Llyn, since it is the tail end of her father's middle name, Llewellyn.  His first name was Dexter.  And he was the III (Third), as his father was Jr, and his grandfather was Sr.  But he went by Dickie as a child.  

I have a friend whose name is Kandas, but you can't call her Kandy or she gets really upset.  And I have another friend whose was name Cavalene (after her father Calvin), who does go by the name Kandy.  I have to be really careful when I call them, as they are next to each other in my address book.
How Libby got the middle name Alan is from DH's dad. I wish I would have spelled out Alyn, so it was more feminine.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Baby Names
my dad never quite got the hang of Calliope's name and called her 'Canopy' was darn
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Baby Names
Your Highness...nickname Hiney.  Great name, right?  Especially for a boy.

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Cherry Addict

Re: Baby Names
cynderellaj wrote:My Brother and SIL, named their last son Xannon (zannon).  At first I didn't like it, but it has grown on me...only I have to be careful when I write it because I so often want to put a Z instead of an X. 

However, he has a great grandma who just can't remember and keeps calling him Xerox.......poor kid!!!
This makes me laugh!  I mean, it is bad enough when strangers get it wrong, but your family?  You know it is really bad when grandma can't remember it!
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kate W.

Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Baby Names
This has been such a funny post to read . I've been laughing at all these names. Placenta!! Really!!  Lord help that child.  Xerox!! Hilarious!  Brooklyn Ho- giggle.  My DH's oldest named her daughter Karma. It is cute but that poor baby when she gets older. I don't think I need explain that one. Image
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Wild Cherry

Re: Baby Names
ScrapHappyKatie wrote:This has been such a funny post to read . I've been laughing at all these names. Placenta!! Really!!  Lord help that child.  Xerox!! Hilarious!  Brooklyn Ho- giggle.  My DH's oldest named her daughter Karma. It is cute but that poor baby when she gets older. I don't think I need explain that one. Image
LMAO, we have the same taste. I am loving reading all of these post in the morning! Amazing how unique and crazy names can be. I always thought my name "Carissa" was extremely unique.. no one every said it right, always added an 'L or H' to it so Clarissa or Charisa. But now I'm hearing it everywhere.

The most unique names I've come across was my guidance counselor in high school.. Mr. Davidson. Well when they finally had a boy he wanted to name it Harley. 'Harley Davidson'... but the wife was not about that and wanted an Indian name, full name was Cheatam Harley Davidson. But we all know what dad calls him! Lol

Then my friend that owns the animal sanctuary I used to work at, they named their child Zebulon Owen Osborne.... initials are  ZOO! Image
~ Carissa ~

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Jo~Anne L.

Cherry Tart

Re: Baby Names
sweetsour wrote:
Ayla wrote:One of the docs I work with just had twin baby girls,.....6-9 and 6-15 at birth! Talk about a huge belly, as they went 38 weeks lol. Anyway....they named the babies Kyle Kathryn and Ryan Michelle. Unusual for girls, but I think they are awesome!


Isn't it funny, a lot of boys names are accepted for girls, but not vice versa...  Can you imagine naming them Kathryn Kyle and Michelle Ryan if they were boys?  not quite so awesome!  lol
RYAN is a BOYS name in New Zealand..never heard of a girl called Ryan!!!!
My daughters name is Cherie..she gets called cherry or it is spelled Sheree..I hate it when people can't be bothered with correct spelling.
and my odest daughter is named Amanda and I know that's used as a boys name, so is Mandy which is what she got called as a child. thinking of actor..Mandy Patinken in particular he is a great actor! 
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Jo~Anne L.

Cherry Tart

Re: Baby Names
Janellb wrote:Temperance makes me think of Bones. Love that show! Some friends named their daughter Arrow and my cousin named her twins kutler and Kyanne.
Yeah I thought of that show immediately "Bones" when I saw Temperance too! 
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Cherry Cola

Re: Baby Names
I knew of a Farron once, but it was a guy.

My daughter's best friend is named Salome. 

The worst name I ever heard for a girl is Dorcas. Really? She was a nurse when I was in nursing school- I couldn't believe it when I was told her name
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Baby Names
CherryTat wrote:I knew of a Farron once, but it was a guy.

My daughter's best friend is named Salome. 

The worst name I ever heard for a girl is Dorcas. Really? She was a nurse when I was in nursing school- I couldn't believe it when I was told her name
This is a Biblical name from the New Testament.  She was a woman who made clothes for poor children.  I snicker when I run across it in the Preschool Sunday School class I teach.  The kids are so young, they don't notice that it's considered a weird name nowadays!

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Cherry Cropper

Re: Baby Names
average_kim wrote:
CherryTat wrote:I knew of a Farron once, but it was a guy.

My daughter's best friend is named Salome. 

The worst name I ever heard for a girl is Dorcas. Really? She was a nurse when I was in nursing school- I couldn't believe it when I was told her name
This is a Biblical name from the New Testament.  She was a woman who made clothes for poor children.  I snicker when I run across it in the Preschool Sunday School class I teach.  The kids are so young, they don't notice that it's considered a weird name nowadays!
And, I'm assuming it's pronounced "Dork-us"?

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Cherry Cola

Re: Baby Names
One local ding-dong named her daughter Smurfette. All 33 girls were taken away last time the woman went to prison, so I hope Smurfette was re-named!  I keep teasing my son and his wife because they haven't decided on what to name their son (due in 6 weeks) - I call him Horatio!
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Baby Names
My friend's sister in law named her kids: Kenya Imagine, Justin Case, and Alotta Patience (so just first names are's when you add the middle names that it is wonky)

I grew up with a girl named Holly Day

Also, I love the girls that have boys names, some of the ones I have encountered are fabulous:

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Cherry Cola

Re: Baby Names
average_kim wrote:
CherryTat wrote:I knew of a Farron once, but it was a guy.

My daughter's best friend is named Salome. 

The worst name I ever heard for a girl is Dorcas. Really? She was a nurse when I was in nursing school- I couldn't believe it when I was told her name
This is a Biblical name from the New Testament.  She was a woman who made clothes for poor children.  I snicker when I run across it in the Preschool Sunday School class I teach.  The kids are so young, they don't notice that it's considered a weird name nowadays!
yes, her parents are very Catholic. She is the youngest of 9 (could be 10) children
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