Please wish me luck

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Please wish me luck

Post by mgehrke »

I need the power of the Cherries.............I have to go in for an angiogram next Tuesday. My insurance company would not approve the less invasive one since I am not having any symptoms, so I have to have the invasive one which I am told has some small risks. My dr warned me about this when I saw him last month, so I am not too upset about it. The reason I am having this is because of my 43 year old sister who had a heart attack a month ago. We also have family history of heart problems. So I went in and talked to my dr who referred me to a cardiologist. He is very concerned because my sister is so young to be having a heart attack. She is only 3 1/2 years younger then I am. He was able to look at her records and was so shocked and concerned at what he saw. So he has agreed that we should see if I have any blockage in any of my arteries. If he doesn't find anything, then it will just be a day trip and I will be home to rest. If he does find anything, he said that he can fix it right away and I would end up spending the night in the hospital. I don't have anything really against me ....... I don't smoke, I don't have high blood pressure and such, but I am over weight. He is concerned about that and had told me that I have to loose weight and if I don't by the end of spring early summer, he wants to talk to me about weightloss surgery. Well I am not sure I want to go down that road, so I did join a gym last weekend. Now I just have to get my butt to the gym. I know I can do this, but I just don't have the will power yet. So please wish me luck that I can come home Tuesday and they don't find anything that needs to be fixed.
Mildred - Mom to 2 girls and a husband (I tell people that I am a single mom of 3. Ages 59, 37 and 31) lol. And a proud Grandma to Orahn (7) Sawyer (5) and Mazie (3).

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Re: Please wish me luck

Post by emarie803 »

Good luck!!!
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Re: Please wish me luck

Post by javalove »

I'm sure that's scary, but at least you'll be more confident about your heart health afterward. Best of luck!

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Re: Please wish me luck

Post by blbabe1234 »

Good luck Mildred. Will be thinking of you!
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Re: Please wish me luck

Post by writerlady »

Good luck Mildred! I'm glad you are getting this checked out - and I'm so happy you joined the gym. You can do it!
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Re: Please wish me luck

Post by handerful »

Good Luck! I hope he doesn't find anything!

That seems backwards to me - since you aren't having symptoms, I would think the insurance would want to you to have a less invasive procedure!
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Re: Please wish me luck

Post by nun69 »

wishing you luck Mildred...I wish I had some advice about the gym {I don't go like I should} but the best thing you can do is get in to a routine and find some gym classes that you really like and then you will look forward to going...I know water aerobics, spinning, zumba, and step are all great aerobic classes and good for weight I odn't like having to look at a clock {like on a treadmill or something} cause I feel like I am never gonna finish good luck.....
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Re: Please wish me luck

Post by beachlover »

(((((great big hugs)))) and all my thoughts and prayers are with you sweetie!!! :) :) :)
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Re: Please wish me luck

Post by Karenscraps »

Good luck. I cant give you any gymadvice because we pay for a gym membership and never seem to get there.
Karen Y.

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Re: Please wish me luck

Post by debamas »

Wishing you a good outcome on your test but you know what you need to do to help prevent problems down the road. Me too! My younger brother has had several heart attacts and I have no idea what shape mine is in. I too need to lose weight badly. I don't have a plan yet. At least you do! Stick to it, make it a new routine and you should see results! Now to give myself that same talk!

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Re: Please wish me luck

Post by SusanZennario »

Keeping you in my must be a scary time but so glad u are being proactive!
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Re: Please wish me luck

Post by Judy in NM »

Wishing you the best of luck on your test! (((Hugs)))
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Re: Please wish me luck

Post by Charleneanne »

Praying for the best possible outcome to this checkup and/or surgery my dear. And on the gym thing, good luck. that will be infinitely more difficult as it goes on and on and on but I know you can do it.
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Re: Please wish me luck

Post by tinkerbelldani »

Prayers that everything will be fine.

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Re: Please wish me luck

Post by Sandi0805 »

Wishing you lots and lots of luck in the days ahead. Like others have said, find a routine with the gym and stick to it. I too, need to do the same and hoping that as soon as the weather gets alittle warmer I will start walking outside. Again, sending lots of luck to you.
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Re: Please wish me luck

Post by cort »

sending hugs and good luck wishes!
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Re: Please wish me luck

Post by pawprints »

Good luck to you Mildred. It is good that you are getting checked out since these things very much can run in families. My dh had a heart attack at 34 years old. His brother had bypass surgery at 40, and another brother has had a stent put in. His dad had angina and ended up having bypass surgery too. My dh did not have high cholesterol, was no where near overweight, didn't drink, and didn't smoke. The dr feels it is some genetic defect that runs in his family. Sigh. So I'm glad you are getting checked out. If there is a problem it is better to find out before something happens. And if there isn't a problem then at least you will have peace of mind.

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Re: Please wish me luck

Post by 3 Pals »

Best of luck..I will be thinking of you. Please keep us posted.
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Re: Please wish me luck

Post by amberella »

I have all my body parts crossed for you!

Good for you on joining the gym and taking that first step. I know it feels like you'll never be able to do it, but I promise you - you can.
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Re: Please wish me luck

Post by sdwhru »

Good luck and will be praying next Tuesday!
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