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Cherry Bing

Re: Organize January is Thickers!
Here is how I have mine. The first picture is from early last year. I have MORE thickers of course and I have to keep a lot of them in bags because as you know some of them like to fall off ;) Pardon the mess it was massive shipment day LOL and they are usually neater but I had just had a crazy weekend :-D

This picture is of the same kind of set up. I am pretty sure I posted it a million years ago here when I first thought up the idea this was in my first scraproom. All it is a clothesline/ clothespins and some nails. Total project cost <$5 and I had enough materials to make 2 (and lots of extra rope and nails to make tons more if I bought more clothespins ;)
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Cherry Cola

Re: Organize January is Thickers!
btt----only 14 days left in this month!!
Scrapbooking began in the Bible Ps. 78:3-4
Personal best-31 LO's completed 6/2010
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Organize January is Thickers!
[quote][/quote]Here is how I have mine. The first picture is from early last year. I have MORE thickers of course and I have to keep a lot of them in bags because as you know some of them like to fall off ;) Pardon the mess it was massive shipment day LOL and they are usually neater but I had just had a crazy weekend :-D

" ajkulig" .........Sorry !! I tried to Quote this! I don't know how !!

How Cool !! This is a great idea and inexpensive !!
All my thickers are in a fabric bin in my Original Workbox!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Organize January is Thickers!
I have way too many thickers to hang on the clothesline....but I do love that idea for other things! If only I had wall space to do it. I am in the corner of our living room. Once we get a bigger place I will definitely keep this in mind!
Don't fear the challenge, challenge the fear.

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Cherry Cola

Re: ONE WEEK LEFT-Organize January is Thickers!
btt- winner will be drawn next Tuesday!!
Scrapbooking began in the Bible Ps. 78:3-4
Personal best-31 LO's completed 6/2010
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Cherry Garcia

Re: ONE WEEK LEFT-Organize January is Thickers!
I have mine in the plastic sleeves but my binder isn't near big enough! I need to go get a bigger one today. I love the ideas everyone has.
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Cherry Cropper

Re: ONE WEEK LEFT-Organize January is Thickers!
I had mine tossed in a brown basket - but they had quickly outgrown that.... I reorganized them over the weekend and I will try to post a picture when I get home from work... I love all of the neat ideas everyone has posted!

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Cherry Addict

Re: Organize January is Thickers!
kennabeans wrote:Some great ideas ladies. I have pegboard on my walls and I have 3-4 hooks of Thickers and other alphas.
I LOVE the idea of pegboard...I want a pegboard wall in my new scrappy space! Maybe I can get Bob to put up a pegboard section.......
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You don't quit playing because you grow grow old because you quit playing.
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Cherry Picker

Re: ONE WEEK LEFT-Organize January is Thickers!
All of my Thickers and other sticker alphas are organized by size in an expanding file tote. Kinda like this.........
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Tiki Bar Mgr

Re: ONE WEEK LEFT-Organize January is Thickers!
I can not begin to tell you all how helpful these ideas have been. My new system has made packing for crops so much easier and also scrapping at home. Thanks!
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Cherry Bing

Re: ONE WEEK LEFT-Organize January is Thickers!
Okay, finally did mine! I had mine in a basket and it was messy and unorganized, plus I scrap away a lot so I wanted to be able to take them with me. I organized mine in a 3-up photo album that I took the photo sleeves out of and filled with page protectors.
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Wild Cherry

Re: ONE WEEK LEFT-Organize January is Thickers!
aceason wrote:Okay, finally did mine! I had mine in a basket and it was messy and unorganized, plus I scrap away a lot so I wanted to be able to take them with me. I organized mine in a 3-up photo album that I took the photo sleeves out of and filled with page protectors.
These page protectors look narrower than regular ones. Where do you get these to fit the Thickers?

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Cherry Bing

Re: ONE WEEK LEFT-Organize January is Thickers!
debamas wrote:
aceason wrote:Okay, finally did mine! I had mine in a basket and it was messy and unorganized, plus I scrap away a lot so I wanted to be able to take them with me. I organized mine in a 3-up photo album that I took the photo sleeves out of and filled with page protectors.
These page protectors look narrower than regular ones. Where do you get these to fit the Thickers?
I actually just folded the longer part over the back and taped it down with clear tape. It worked really well! If you wanted to spend a lot of time on a project, you can also sew a seam down the side and trim of the excess.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: ONE WEEK LEFT-Organize January is Thickers!
How smart are you to fold over the excess!

I need to take a picture of mine.
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Jenna - Mom to Emily (2/02) & Kaitlyn (2/04)
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