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Tiki Bar Mgr

Good Morning ACOT Dec 26
Ah, a new day has begun. I was awakened at 3 ish with E coughing (he has had this cough for a good two weeks now but, typical man, says it is nothing and getting better). Did convince him to at least call the dr. office. Because of some of the meds he takes for his heart, there are very few things he can take over the counter that might help the coughing.

We have one store maybe two we need to go to today for items we said we'd get for the house if they went on drastic sale. We've decided this year, rather than wait til New Year's Day to start taking down Christmas, we'll do a little bit at a time starting this afternoon. I think it will make the process less dreaded.

What are your plans for this gift of a day?
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Cherry Addict

Re: Good Morning ACOT Dec 26
I am exhausted so I plan to sleep deeply! I have an extra bedroom that I have blacked the windows in. It is very black in there and it is the farthest away from noise in the house. I turn on the fan, very low, just enough to stir the air a bit and block any other noise. Since I have this head cold and the Christmas season and work have all coincided I have not gotten enough sleep. Y'all have a great day!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Good Morning ACOT Dec 26
Good Monday morning!!! The sun is shining bright today, but very chilly. I am watching the 2 little neighbor girls today, so I will be kept busy, but I really love them so its easy!!Tonight when they leave, I plan to clean and prepare scrap room for some major scrapping the rest of this week. At least thats my hopes! I want to be as close to finished with this year as I can be. I hope all of you had a blessed Christmas and a great day today!!!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Good Morning ACOT Dec 26
Good morning! My plan for the day is to take the Christmas trees and decorations down and get them put away while my dh is here to help. Have a great day everyone!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Good Morning ACOT Dec 26
Good morning, Cherries! I'm staying home today to work. Everywhere I look, there is something to be put away, so room by room, I'll try to tidy up. May put some of the decorations away if I'm ambitious. Have a great Monday!

When do you think ACOT will introduce some new CT members?

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Good Morning ACOT Dec 26
I hope to scrap some of the Dec challenges today, haven't gotten of them done. Should take down the tree and decorations but that may wait till later in the week. Have a great day everyone!!
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Cherry Bing

Re: Good Morning ACOT Dec 26
Ugh, the living room is piled with present to be put away. I think I'll start with some coffee, a little scrapping, and when I'm fully rested I'll start putting things away. I can't decide if I want to take down the Christmas decorations today or wait until New Years.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Good Morning ACOT Dec 26
cleaning house !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Good Morning ACOT Dec 26
Good Morning,

My house is surprisingly not to bad. I definatly need to vacuum though after the large family gathering here last night. The kids recieved really nice things and are more than satisfied this morning. I can see them playing well for a few weeks :-D :-D !!

I plan on some point today to go play with my new xlarge magnetic self healing matt from We r memeory keepers, and the echo flower punch my dh abd kiddos got me for christmas. My cousin's wife (we recievced my name for christmas) gave me some really gorgeous handmade papers(that she made). My sil also gave me a really pretty paper pack as well. Have lots to play with plus a gift card to m's too. Have a great day girls!
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Celebrity Cherry 5/10 , Guest Ct 5/11

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Cherry Bing

Re: Good Morning ACOT Dec 26
Good morning...we're still in lazy mode around here. I would like to hit some after Christmas sales, but have yet found the courage to get dressed and do it. Sitting at home playing with new stuff sounds way more fun than fighting crowds. May run out after DH wakes up, we'll just have to see. Would like to get some scrapping done since I've been too busy to do much this month. Also need to get my butt in gear on getting things ready to launch my business (from home) next month...I still don't even have a name for it! Maybe I should post a thread here and get the Cherries' input?
Danna :)

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Good Morning ACOT Dec 26
Good morning

Work for me today and then home to sleep. I barely got any sleep this weekend trying to get my sister's album done (I may not scrap ever again after the marathon sessions I put in lol). And I had an asthma attack about 3am so not only an I tired, but it hurts to breathe. Luckily, they have one too many people scheduled today (today is considered the federal holiday) so if I need to, I can go home and not worry about screwing over my coworkers.
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Tiki Bar Mgr

Re: Good Morning ACOT Dec 26
We're home after hitting two stores and finding far too many bargains. We had lusted after a beaded table runner at Pier One and found it for half off along with a couple of others and found hubby a couple of nice sweaters he had been needing badly at 70% off...yeah!

Off to the library and then to doze on the lanai...or down by the fire pit...very overcast and foggy here so perfect day for a fire.
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Cherry Bark

Re: Good Morning ACOT Dec 26
Good morning all! My living room is FILLED with new dogs that Santa Paws brought for all 8 doggies. They are truly lovin' their new toys! DH and I already went to the grocery store to pick up some basics (bread, cheese, eggs, milk, etc). We are off to Khol's in a little bit. Hope to come home and scrap later. I received some really nice scrappy stuff that I want to play with.

Hope everyone has a great day!
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Good Morning ACOT Dec 26
Hi!!! It's not morning anymore, but I woke early, cleaned the pile of dishes left over from yesterdays dinner. We hosted my inlaws, my step son with his girlfriend, and my husbands friend who's single and no where to go for dinner. That is the most people I've fed yet for a holiday dinner. Everything was delish.
Then, I took down all the Christmas decorations.. nothing left except the Poinsettia my boss gave me. Feels good to get that all away. Did some laundry and cleaned.

No shopping here today. didn't feel like battling the crowds. Had enough on BLack Friday.
Santa was good to us so I stayed home and played my new Wii. :-D
Would love to get some scrapping in this week. Will see what happens.
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