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Cherry Jubilee

Re: I Guess I'm A Kinda Big Girl Now...
Ayla wrote:I'm glad I don't know of any sites like that, because it would make my blood boil! Stay here Chrissy, we LOVE your work (personally, I think they are just jealous of talent that is obviously far better than their own!)

This was my thought exactly. Usually when someone says something cruel about someone else, it is because they are jealous. I can't believe there are real sites out there that are just for putting people down. That is there isn't enough cruelness in the world, now there are websites for it. :?

I for one love all the talent of all the ladies on this site, you can find anything from simple to elaborate pages and art, that's the nice thing you can find something that fits your style or something way out of you box to try. We all have levels of creativity, I can't believe any scrapbooker would critize someone else's art work.
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Re: I Guess I'm A Kinda Big Girl Now...
I've never heard of these sites - and they sound like a good place to avoid.

Some people are jealous of talent - and are very snarky about things.

I'm sorry they were nasty to you. Hopefully, they'll keep their nastiness there.
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Cherry Bing

Re: I Guess I'm A Kinda Big Girl Now...
Your work is great!!

Some people are just jerks... instead of talking crap they should have been scrapping!
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Cherry Cropper

Re: I Guess I'm A Kinda Big Girl Now...
Queen Mum wrote:I've never heard of these sites - and they sound like a good place to avoid.

Some people are jealous of talent - and are very snarky about things.

I'm sorry they were nasty to you. Hopefully, they'll keep their nastiness there.

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Wild Cherry

Re: I Guess I'm A Kinda Big Girl Now...
I know of the sight.

Back when I was CT Coordinator, I would get links from others when ACOT was mentioned. I would monitor them, and make sure that we were not totally flamed, and we never were.

I also have a close and dear friend that gets "smacked" regularly, and we have talked and I know how hurtful it can be. She is AMAZING. The saddest thing, is that they smack her style, but also how her children look. That is even more hurtful. She ended up making her Facebook private because of how she felt. :(

You love your work. Others love your work. Revel in THAT. Not the people that hide behind something to discredit you. People that can be anonymous annoy me. My style is not YOURS. Would you smack me? NO! We can all co-exist. It is actually healthy to have a bazillion different styles to enhance sales and creativity.
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Cherry Bomb

Re: I Guess I'm A Kinda Big Girl Now...
I think that saying someone else's work is "5th graderish at best" is just their way of saying "My work isn't as good as theirs, so I'm going to pretend that they really suck to make myself feel better"

I don't think anyone has a right to say anyone elses' work is BAD, because it's all a matter of subjectivity. If YOU like YOUR work, that's all that matters.
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Cherry Cropper

Re: I Guess I'm A Kinda Big Girl Now...
Those sites exist to make the people feel better about themselves! You're giving them more fuel by talking about them and letting them know they get to you.

BTW - You could consider "5th graderish at best" as a compliment. I know a lot of very talented 5th grade artists. I know my 3rd grader is a lot better artist than I ever was.
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: I Guess I'm A Kinda Big Girl Now...
Thus the reason that the only board for me is right here :) I do have FB, but it is private and I only talk to those who are nice and only except friend requests from nice people too. I don't have time nor do I want to make time for negativity.
Mildred - Mom to 2 girls and a husband (I tell people that I am a single mom of 3. Ages 59, 37 and 31) lol. And a proud Grandma to Orahn (7) Sawyer (5) and Mazie (3).

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: I Guess I'm A Kinda Big Girl Now...
Chrissy - I love your style and your projects. I find them very inspiring. Sites like that seem to collection people with insecurities and jealousies who just like to bring other people down . Ignore them

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: I Guess I'm A Kinda Big Girl Now...
Well, I tried a google search to find the site. Found lots of interesting stuff, but not it. However, I did find a site where several of the ACOT free digi templates had been pirated and uploaded!!! :x :x :x
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Cherry Cola

Re: I Guess I'm A Kinda Big Girl Now...
Nothing is more irritating then when people won't own and stand behind their own words. So sad that this group feels the need to degrade other is incrediable the kind of "courage" people get behind a computer screen. I hate to hear that this was directed towards ACOT and our CT. I for one like the diversity here. It is inspiring to see other's work so different from my own.
Don't fear the challenge, challenge the fear.

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Cherry Bing

Re: I Guess I'm A Kinda Big Girl Now...
My grandmother always told me that the people that picked on me only did it cuz they felt bad about themselves. She was right.

I agree with those that mentioned that if you want to slam someone at least have the balls to put your name on it.

I for one enjoy the diversity that is everything my style..No....but I love to see everyone's work. I have tried things that I would have never dreamed of doing because of what i have seen in the gallery. I have found everyone here to be warm and supporting...and geez when you need help everyone bands together to help and get you the information that you need.

So pooh pooh to those smackers.....if you want I can bring my sticks and we can't smack them around. :winkb: :winkb: :winkb: :winkb: ( i need to practice anyhow.) Then they will know what it's like to get smacked. :) :) :) :)
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3 Pals

Cherry Bomb

Re: I Guess I'm A Kinda Big Girl Now...
I really hate to think that it is anyone who is a part of this community as we know it. I have never been to a site like this and never will. I know Pam chimed in - I am not sure who else was smacked(?) from this site in the past but I do remember it - their scrap work was degraded on one of those sites and the work was absolutley beautiful! What's wrong with people??? Are you that insecure that you need to criticize someone else for the mere sake of making them feel bad??? Anyone who makes anything is amazing as they took the time and used their imagination and THEY MADE IT!!!! I love Chrissy Tina's work and whatever was said is just someone who's opinion really doesn't matter...did you hear that you loser??? IT DOESN"T MATTER!
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Cherry Bing

Re: I Guess I'm A Kinda Big Girl Now...
You would be surprised at what people are capable of doing....and who those people are.

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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: I Guess I'm A Kinda Big Girl Now...
ChrissyTina wrote:You would be surprised at what people are capable of doing....and who those people are.
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Cherry Bing

Re: I Guess I'm A Kinda Big Girl Now...
bluejeans7 wrote:
ChrissyTina wrote:You would be surprised at what people are capable of doing....and who those people are.


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Cherry Blossom

Re: I Guess I'm A Kinda Big Girl Now...
it's a funny old world isn't it.

The internet has given us an enormous gift - it doesn't matter where we live on the planet but we can still connect. Personally those connections with like minded scrappers/women have brought me some of the happiest times of my life. I have always tried to be myself when I post anywhere and have been blessed with like minded friends who I have since met "IRL" and have proven to be some of my dearest & closest friends.

On the other side of the coin the anonymity of the internet can allow people to say all the random things that buzz through their heads without censure. OK, so sometimes that can be a wonderful stress release for some. I always remember a mediator at our work telling people to write down all the thoughts they want to say at times of stress or whatever and then burn the bit of paper. Perhaps the internet has become our "fireplace"?

Other times it can be not so nice.

I am familiar with one of the Smack Blogs that perhaps people are talking about. Some people watch soap operas or reality shows. I love reading blogs like that for the amusement. They also link through to some sites etc that "they" ridicule but I have rather enjoyed. Another lesson in "one man's meat is another man's poison" perhaps.

I must admit I was surprised not so long ago to see one of the younger women from here post on one of the Smack Blogs something which I would class as verging on bullying and they did it (I think not realising ) that it was under their own name and linking to their own blog. At the time I gave the woman kind of credit - I didn't like what she said but at least she had the balls to be "out". Sadly however I was misguided and she quickly edited and became "anonymous". I've also seen older women from here post but always under their own name and never to stir, only to defend others.

I honestly don't know what the answer to it all is. Perhaps just don't go near them if you don't like them? Perhaps just relish the wonderful relationships that you can make on the internet, take care of those friends and ignore the rest?

We have been given a gift with the internet ... just be careful how you use it.

love "the eternally bewildered but loving it" Clare
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Cherry Cola

Re: I Guess I'm A Kinda Big Girl Now...
Two Words......PEOPLE SUCK!!

I love your work. You rock and they are just bullies hiding behind their computer. I guess that was more than 2 words ;)
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Cherry Bing

Re: I Guess I'm A Kinda Big Girl Now...
Chrissy - those people really need to get a life! I marvel at the talent I see in the ACOT gallery and hope some day I can be half that good. Are people really insane. This is just mind boggeling. I'm sorry to hear you will be leaving this site, I have admired all of your work, you are very talented. Please avoid the nasty sites. For me, the ignorance is bliss, I didn't know people did such dumb stuff. I agree with the other cherries - the negative posters have to be jealous of your work.
*** Christi ***
Love to scrap - Need to scrap - Not enough time to scrap!!!

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: I Guess I'm A Kinda Big Girl Now...
Yikes, that sucks. I do remember Pam mentioning them a while back (aside - um, Pam, "used to be"? You know it still says that under your avi, right?). And yes you are definitely straightforward. ;) If anything is worth saying it's worth owning. And, again, your work rocks!
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