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Cherry Bing

What we need to do today vs what we will do today
So today I feel like being a realist - what things do you need to get done today vs what do you think you will actually do?

I need to fold laundry, bake 8 dozen cookies (bike race dh's bicycling team is hosting), put away my scrappy stuff, help odd figure out how to do her Halloween costume, and pick up house.

with the crop here, and I am in the scrappy mood plus it is the Michigan, Michigan State football game today so I predict I will get the cookies done and put away my stuff but very little else.

Anyone else guessing on what should be done vs what will be done?

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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: What we need to do today vs what we will do today
I had to get up bright and early to pick up my dd from an "all niter" at church! So the day started early! We also have a noon soccer game! I need to finish an album for my dd's volleyball coach this weekend! &I would love to go somewhere and take some pics of the leaves before they are blown off the trees! So in reality... i may just sit thru the soccer game and then sit my cold butt back at the computer to play games!!:-D
- joannie

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Cherry Addict

Re: What we need to do today vs what we will do today
Should do some laundry, pick up the scrappy room floor, put away some laundry, and clean the bathroom. Likely will at least listen to the Michigan-Michigan State game (GO SPARTANS!!!!) and day will be focused around DD and homecoming preps. I just wish we had last week's 70 degree weather today....waking up to 46 degrees isn't so pleasant!
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Cherry Bing

Re: What we need to do today vs what we will do today
The to do list is long, as always:



meeting at 7pm

cookies for prek

What will likely get accomplished, errands, some laundry, meeting. If I leave the dishes long enough dh might actually do something household related!! LOL!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: What we need to do today vs what we will do today
I have a 16 page thing to copy edit today and then there is a carnival at my daughter's school that we are going to. Other than that, I am hoping to do some (a?) challenge(s) today. I've been trying to keep up with the games. Things move pretty fast around here ;)
Happy Scrapping!
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Cherry Cola

Re: What we need to do today vs what we will do today
Let's see...I should: Clean the bathrooms & kitchen, organize the pantry, shampoo one corner of my living room carpet, finish my taxes, go to Homecoming (cuz it's my 15 year reunion), take one daughter to Nutcracker rehearsal, take another daughter to a GS corn maze and go to Shopko for backup leotards & basketball shoes.

What I probably WILL do: Homecoming, Nutcracker, Girl Scout event and hopefully some of the house related stuff. Shopko can wait till after church tomorrow.

What I really WANT to do? SCRAP!!!!
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Cherry Cropper

Re: What we need to do today vs what we will do today
Today's list seems unusually long...

I need to:
Pick up cake for surprise anniversary party
Clean out car
Get oil change
Pack for vacation (leaving tomorrow)
Take dog to board
Finish putting laundry away
Finish closing pool down for the season :waiting:
Some other small household chores

What will get done:
Pick up cake
Take dog to board
Pack for vacation

The Tennessee/LSU game comes on today and I'd love to sit down and watch/listen to it while I'm scrapping instead of doing other things....

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Cherry Bomb

Re: What we need to do today vs what we will do today
I need to clean the bathroom, swap out summer clothes for winter clothes, and help winterize the tent trailer.

I'm guess the bathroom will get half done (probably do the floor and counters) and the clothes swapped. But it was trying to rain, so we won't be able winterize the trailer today.

And I really need to get my bottom on the treadmill... but that would cut into my scrappy time... so I predict that won't get done either! :winkb:
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Cherry Bing

Re: What we need to do today vs what we will do today
Well at 6...I have to leave to go meet a scrapbooker for the first time and join her crop group...She asked me to teach a class at the Pajama crop at shilo inn...

Maybe I will get 2 projects done...

Im a slow scrapper...
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