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Cherry Bark

Here we go again!
My poor DH! He just can't get a break this weekend! First, late Friday night he chops down a branch to prevent a disaster to our roof. Second, Saturday and into yesterday morning he has to put new flooring in along with a new sink to the guest bathroom due to a major leak. And now....(drum roll please)....

He's fixing another leak! SIL was on her lap top when she heard a POP! Pppsssshhhh! noise coming from the wall. We were at my great aunt/uncle's house. She turns the water off to the house and calls us. Thank goodness we were just 10 minutes away. Anyways, DH is ripping their bedroom floor up to get to the pipes. Its too early to tell if the leak is the sink or the toilet or the shower this time. The bathroom is totally dry, so he knows its coming from the pipes either in the walls or underneath the house. But will definetly pop in later to give ya'll an update!

BTW, thanks for listening fellow cherries. Not sure what I'd do w/o having a place to vent! Hope everyone is enjoying their Labor Day Holiday!!

*EDITED 1st time***

We finally found the source of the problem. In the wall and its the toilet. We've already gone to Home Depot to get parts. Spent less than $7! :) Hopefully DH can get it repaired w/o having to make anymore trips to the HD.

*EDITED 2nd time***

DH fixed the leak. Turns the water back on and he finds another one. This time, its coming from the cast iron drain. So back to Home Depot where parts costs $9. Crossing my fingers this is the last leak.
Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Cherry Blossom

Re: Here we go again!
It sounds like you guys need to pray to the water I can say that in the last year I've certainly had my share of water problems. Every time I turned around I had a leak some where. It was not fun. I hope everything works out and your hubby can find the problem.
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Cherry Bing

Re: Here we go again!
boy you are having one heck of a labor day weekend. fingers crossed the repairs go smoothly!
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A Cherry on Top

Re: Here we go again!
Wow Brandy your poor dh can't catch a break this weekend! I hope the repair isn't too major so he can get some relaxing in before the holiday is over!

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Here we go again!
Sounds like your hubby needs a special thank you meal. He's a keeper!

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Cherry Bark

Re: Here we go again!
LyndaKay wrote:Sounds like your hubby needs a special thank you meal. He's a keeper!

Brandy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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Cherry Bomb

Re: Here we go again!
OMG what a weekend you all have had...
So sorry to hear it.
Sure hope your week gets better...


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Cherry Addict

Re: Here we go again!
Maybe your house is trying to fix your personal drought in Texas! But seriously, what a rough weekend! Hope the week gets much better.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Here we go again!
oh what a weekend you've had! lucky you have such a handy guy, he's saving you a small fortune in home repairs! i hope this is the last of your problems in the house!!
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Cherry Bing

Re: Here we go again!
I guess the saying "When it rains, it pours" is really accurate in this particular circumstance.
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