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Cherry Bing

Re: finally the results have come in!
I hope you have much fun and joy and pleasure for all the rest of your days. And, I hope those days stretch out as long as possible. Hugs to you.
Hi! I'm Rachel
My Blog: Happay Scraps
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: finally the results have come in!
Wow - thank you for sharing your situation with us, and please do keep us posted on how we can pray for & support you. {{hugs-}}
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: finally the results have come in!
happayscrappay wrote:I hope you have much fun and joy and pleasure for all the rest of your days. And, I hope those days stretch out as long as possible. Hugs to you.

My thoughts exactly!!!!You will be thought of, and I also agree, your courage is amazing!!! I wish you continued peace, and know you are NOT alone!!!!
ImageSusan  Image   Image  Image
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: finally the results have come in!
I am so sorry, please know you are loved and cared about. Please stay strong, keep that inner peace. Please keep us posted.
Have a coke and a smile!Image
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Cherry Tart

Re: finally the results have come in!
To be at peace with it is the biggest hurdle. (speaking from some who knows).. my thoughts are with you and yours.
Life is not measure by the breaths that we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. love to you..
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Cherry Delight

Re: finally the results have come in!
I'm sorry that you've had this news although I greatly admire your attitude. You are in my prayers.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: finally the results have come in!
Anna Maria, you have my thoughts and prayers and my admiration of your courage and strength. I wish you many happy and peaceful days to share with all your family and loved ones.
Life is good, and even better when the SUN is shining! :)
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Wild Cherry

Re: finally the results have come in!
I am so sorry to hear your news, Anna Maria. You and your family will be in my thoughts.

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Cherry Cola

Re: finally the results have come in!
Anna Marie
Psalm 16:11
You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.

We will pray to God for healing, Anna Marie.
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Cherry Bing

Re: finally the results have come in!
This touches me beyond words. Your strength has me in tears. We should all be as positive as you. GOD bless you sweet lady. I do believe Gods strength will help you through.

My uncle was given this same diagnoses... 4 years ago he had the chance to do chemo and all that. It is his liver. he has hospice. that was several years ago. He is still puttering around on his tractor and living his best. I think I did a layout about it and posted it here at acot. He did some additional things- some kind of juice from health store. All the docs are so surprised. He is so positve about life. I think that helps.

I pray that you get to enjoy each day as much as possible. I pray that peace continue and that your strength Glorify God and inspire others.

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: finally the results have come in!
Anna Maria,

I just saw this post and I am most saddened to hear this news. I admire your courage and faith. You are such an amazing woman and I'm so glad to have gotten to know you over the past number of years. Your doctor's advice sounds like just the ticket. Live the rest of your life to the fullest! You are in my thoughts! Big Hugs!!!!
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: finally the results have come in!
AnnaMaria, I am so sorry to hear this news. I will continue you to have you and your family in my prayers and thoughts.
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Cherry Cola

Re: finally the results have come in!
Oh my, annamaria I am so sorry to hear this . I will keep you in my prayers , sending you a big hug
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Cherry Tart

Re: finally the results have come in!
I have admired your layouts, and just recently started posting myself, so while I don't know you, I do. I was a radiation therapist, and saw how many people took news and those like you, with the peace and understanding knew in their hearts that God was going to be with them all the way. Only God heals, not doctors. You do not have an expiration date stamped on you - and we all will join you on your journey in a blink of an eye. That's what life is - a moment in the days of eternity.

May God bless you, whether you choose to be at peace, and live each day to the best are you are able, or if you decide to ask other places for their opinion. Only you know what's right for you. I know I wouldn't be as graceful nor as peaceful as you, and for that I admire you so much. But you must listen to your heart, and to what you can hear God's answers to you are.

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: finally the results have come in!
omg... NOOO :( anna maria, i am completely shocked!! i am so very very SORRY!!!
in spite of this diagnosis, you remain a graceful person and for that i applaud you!

please keep us posted and i will keep you in my thoughts... please take good care!
"a heart in love with beauty never grows old" Image (turkish proverb)
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Cherry Addict

Re: finally the results have come in!
I honestly don't know what to say! I had read about the cherry angels but had no idea what you had posted...I looked it up and saw this. You are an AMAZING cherry and you have huge prayers and thoughts coming your way from DC!!!! Love, Sus
SUS ImageImageImage
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Digital Designers

Re: finally the results have come in!
I am deeply touched by your strength and peace. You are in my prayers. I am so thankful that you feel God's love, peace, and presence.
Julie Mead designer at ACOT
owner of E-scape and Scrap
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Digital Designers

Re: finally the results have come in!
I'm so sorry to hear this! My prayers are with you! I admire your courage and faith <3
Amy Teets Designs

My Blog
Semper Fi

Snag Me!
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Cherry Cola

Re: finally the results have come in!
Anna, I'm just back on the group again - I'm so sorry to read about this! I'm glad you have hospice care - they will keep you out of pain and help you live each day to its' fullest. You have my love and prayers.
I wonder, sometimes, if we ever give God a headache.
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Indy Scrapper

Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: finally the results have come in!
Dear sweet Anna Marie I am so very sorry to hear this. God Bless and keep you through these difficult times. You are deeply in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs.

Live long, laugh often, hug someone.
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