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Jenn Kellams

Cherry Garcia

Re: Fess up..............
mgehrke wrote:
akgnere wrote:I watched about 10 minutes this morning while waiting to go to work. Saw them in the buggy.
She is really pretty, I will give you that. But with all of the devestation by tornados and flooding in the US, I personally think there is much more important things to be focusing on. My 2cents :)

I agree!!!!!!!

I agree but it is nice to get lost in a moment of happiness every now and then. We need more of it.

I watched it from 5:00 am until about 8:00 am and I enjoyed EVERY single second of it! And every time I sit down at the computer I read the latest article about it. I love it!
Jennifer K.
Personal Blog
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Fess up..............
kcatt79 wrote:I DVRd it as a history lesson for my kids.

I did the same! I remember my mother waking me up to watch when Diana and Charles got married. I was 7 at the time...
"May you always have memories to scrap!" ~ Diana
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Cherry Bing

Re: Fess up..............
I woke up around 2:30 and couldn't get back to sleep, but I forced myself to stay in bed . I finally dozed off again and got up when the alarm went off and went and turned the tv on. Watched the couple arrive at the palace and then got my shower and dressed for work. I saw parts of it on the news later but didn't get to see the service. Wanted to tape it but our VCR/DVR doesn't work. I think Time Warner fixed it so we couldn't record unless we bought their DVR. :bluesad:

Her dress was very classy and William looked so handsome in the Irish Guard uniform.

Nice to see something pleasant on the tv for a change.
Image Charlene
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Cherry Bing

Re: Fess up..............
I admit it - I woke up at 5:30 EST and watched a bunch of it. I also DVR'ed it and watched with all 3 of my daughters until we had to leave for school. Recently in GR there was an exhibit on Diana at the Art Museum so the kids and I spoke about Diana then and we spoke about it again when we were watching. I completely loved seeing it - yes there are toher things going on in the world that are more newsworthy but this was a pleasant escape too.

Nothing is foolproof for a sufficiently talented fool Image
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Wild Cherry

Re: Fess up..............
Not at all.
Donna-Retiree3-Proud Grandmother of Three Boys!


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Cherry Picker

Re: Fess up..............
I didn't watch it live (miracle of miracles- the baby was asleep at that time!) but I have watched several of the replays and I think I have pieced together the whole wedding. I thought it was beautiful and I just don't understand why people who didn't care to see it have made such a big deal about other people watching it. I dont' tell you what to care about, why does it matter that I got excited about the wedding? My kids enjoyed seeing a real prince and princess, and the "cinderella carriage" as they called it. I was even able to incorporate a history lesson by pointing out the "redcoats" to my 3rd grader who had no idea that the same England we fought was still there! ;)

Yes, there are other things that are "newsworthy" but I don't think there's anything wrong with focusing on the good. I loved Princess Di when I was growing up and I loved seeing this happy beginning for her son and his new wife.
SAHM of 4- 2 girls and 2 boys! (and one very spoiled dachshund)
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Cherry Bomb

Re: Fess up..............
I saw bits of it on the tvs in airports. My dd woke up at 3 am to watch!!!
Lori aka "Mima"
Cherish Every Moment; Then Scrap Each One!
Sweet Spot Designs!!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Fess up..............
I can honestly say that I did not watch any of it.
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Fess up..............
I watched some because it was a historic event.


When you see me with a smile on my face, then you'll know I'm a mental case. ~ Alice Cooper
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Cherry Delight

Re: Fess up..............
I wasn't getting up at 4 am but I DVR'd it and watched it later. I thought Kate was beautiful and the ceremony was filled with wonderful traditions. Loved the coaches that they rode away in after.
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