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Tiki Bar Mgr

Who's got that holiday spirit?
We sometimes get so caught up in getting everything done on our holiday To Do list that we forget to enjoy this 'most wonderful time of the year'. So, lets share some ideas (big or small) for getting that HOLIDAY SPIRIT

1. drop off some canned goods at the local shelter

2. treat myself to a flavored beverage (peppermint flavored coffee or spiced hot cider are my faves)

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Who's got that holiday spirit?
Take a night time drive to check out the Christmas lights!
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Who's got that holiday spirit?
Play Christmas music while scrapping, drink hot chocolate with a little peppermint schnapps . . . :-D
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Tiki Bar Mgr

Re: Who's got that holiday spirit?
Love both of these...we looked a lights last night on our way home from a 'snow fest' (a bit of a contradiction seeing as how we live in the and the peppermint schnapps...yum!
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Cherry Bing

Re: Who's got that holiday spirit?
I woke up today with a smile on my face despite the fact that I feel like crap! John has been fighting the head cold thing and apparently he won and it decided to jump to my head overnight! But its not going to ruin my day! Yesterday I started Weight Watchers and am so excited! I am looking forward to getting myself back to a healthy weight and not feeling so down about myself. I missed last nights chat because I was so absorbed in reading all the materials I got and getting my food tracker set up! Once I finish my coffee I am heading to the living room to rearrange some furniture in preparation for holiday decorating. Then John and I are going Christmas shopping at the Walk (outlet stores in Atlantic City) for a little while. Then tonight we will decorate the tree. I have the 24 hr. Christmas station programmed in my car and have been slowly getting more into the spirit. My kids really helped me get in the mood yesterday because I was GOING to put the thre up last night. Both kids had plans with friends and were not going to be home until 10ish (way later than I was willing to start!). Now every year they groan about decorating the tree and get bored 1/4 way through. So I said it was ok, I'd do it and they didn;t have to be here. Well by the looks on both of their faces you would have thought I told them that I didn't love them or something. They both said "But mom, it wouldn't feel like Christmas if we didn't help!" My heart grew huge and I realized that things that I think they don't notice, or don't think about THEY DO, and those things are important to them!! So I agree to wait until tonight! Matt even said I would have been upset without having a picture of them decorating the tree this year...and he's right. But they are getting older and I was trying to keep THEM happy! Its a silly little moment in time, but it put me right into the Christmas Spirit. Then also last night as my daughter and I were running to the market for some fruits and other Weight Watchers friendly foods (as well as snacks and drinks for those NOT on WW in the house!!) the Little Drummer Boy came on the radio and the two of us sang the whole song together! Another silly moment in time, but one that I treasure and made me miss the times in the car with my mom at her age but at the same time, be so happy that I was sharing a similar moment with my own daughter. So The Christmas Spirit is alive in MY heart!
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Susan Zennario - NJ
Mommy of Johnny (20), Matt (14) and Susie (12)
My Blog - Paper Daisy Dreams
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Who's got that holiday spirit?
I am trying to get motivated to get my decorations up, having a really hard time with it though. I did buy a gingerbread house kit at Joannes on black friday so maybe I can get motivated and get my ds involved in that. We did one last year for the first time (he is 17 now) and we both loved it. So when I showed it to him this year he said 'cool". So maybe after the civil war today (Oregon vs. Oregon State..Go DUCKS!) we will do that.
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Cherry Picker

Re: Who's got that holiday spirit?
Instead of candy in an advent calendar we do little slips of paper with family activities in it. We look at Christmas lights, go ice skating, sledding, build a snowman, decorate a gingerbread man, family game night, make cookies, etc. My 4 year old loves getting up in the morning to see what we get to do that night.
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Cherry Bing

Re: Who's got that holiday spirit?
We cleaned out my DD's room and through our church are donating the gently used toys (and some that still are in the boxes from last Christmas) to a local homeless shelter. It brought up a great discussion with my 8 year old about how some kids don't get Christmas presents. It was a true discussion about the holiday spirit!

Now that we've cleaned up, we're headed out today for a Christmas Tea at a local tea room. All the ladies in the family go together, there are ten of us, for a fun afternoon fancy tea.

Tomorrow we're taking the Santa Train which is a local train ride on an vintage train to visit Santa. Afterwards, we'll drive around to see the Christmas lights!
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Who's got that holiday spirit?
Take a Walk in the snow and then go Sledding, then come in turn on some xmas tunes and fix the kiddies and me some Hot Chocolate!!!! :-D :) :-D
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Cherry Bing

Re: Who's got that holiday spirit?
Susan, I'm so glad that you're getting into the holiday spirit, even though times are tough for you. I'm doing better than I thought I would to be honest. But it's still going to be tough. And you are one brave lady starting a diet this time of year! I need to start too, but the holidays are so full of bad things to good luck to you! As for me, we do a lot of little things: lots of decorations, Christmas music just about all the time, watching favorite holiday movies, and going to the town light display. Then we're thinking about starting a bunch of new traditions this year with DD: baking cookies (the kind you use cookie cutters on and load down with sugary goodies on top), building a gingerbread house, and going to the town Christmas parade. So hopefully I can get through this holiday season without too many breakdowns...
Danna :)

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Cherry Cola

Re: Who's got that holiday spirit?
We go to church, (not just at Christmas, but it is very special during this time of year)....Jesus is the reason for the season ;)
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Cherry Cola

Re: Who's got that holiday spirit?
Tonight we're going to our town's Lighted Christmas Parade! :-D
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Cherry Cola

Re: Who's got that holiday spirit?
!. gonna pop in "White christmas as i finish setting up my tree today!

2. Gonna mix some of my favorite sugar cookie dough and put in the fridge for cutting out!

3. Listen to christmas music!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Who's got that holiday spirit?
doing Jesse Tree/advent with my kids
Hanging the stockings

Drinking hot cocoa and putting lights in the window.


wife of one, mother of FOUR! :)
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Cherry Addict

Re: Who's got that holiday spirit?
Don't really know....a little stuck on getting that spirit to stay myself. It'll show up for a few minutes, then run away again.
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Cherry Bing

Re: Who's got that holiday spirit?
dshepard wrote:Susan, I'm so glad that you're getting into the holiday spirit, even though times are tough for you. I'm doing better than I thought I would to be honest. But it's still going to be tough. And you are one brave lady starting a diet this time of year! I need to start too, but the holidays are so full of bad things to good luck to you! As for me, we do a lot of little things: lots of decorations, Christmas music just about all the time, watching favorite holiday movies, and going to the town light display. Then we're thinking about starting a bunch of new traditions this year with DD: baking cookies (the kind you use cookie cutters on and load down with sugary goodies on top), building a gingerbread house, and going to the town Christmas parade. So hopefully I can get through this holiday season without too many breakdowns...

DFanna - breakdowns are need to be able to grieve too. Don't get me wrong, still not a day goes by without tears. We just finished taking the Christmas decorations down from the attic and on the bottom of an old box full of ornaments was my name, written in my mother's handwriting. It was obviously a box from a gift she gave me and I reused it to store ornaments. Enter Breakdown 3 of the day. But FOR my mom, I am pushing forward, and sometimes its hard to see through my tears, but I am doing it. My mom LOVED Christmas and its killing me to be without her right now but on the other hand, she's having the BEST Christmas, because she is with Jesus and her own mother and my sister who passed away before I was even born. That's MY only comfort....she's out of pain and singing with the angels now, instead of me.
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Susan Zennario - NJ
Mommy of Johnny (20), Matt (14) and Susie (12)
My Blog - Paper Daisy Dreams
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Who's got that holiday spirit?
I went to my mom & dad's yesterday and this morning my DH and I helped them set up their tree, hang decorations, window candles, wreaths, etc. It put us all in the holiday spirit and helped them out a lot.

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Tiki Bar Mgr

Re: Who's got that holiday spirit?
meteechtap wrote:!. gonna pop in "White christmas as i finish setting up my tree today!

That is my favorite holiday movie too!

2. Gonna mix some of my favorite sugar cookie dough and put in the fridge for cutting out!

3. Listen to christmas music!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Cherry Bomb

Re: Who's got that holiday spirit?
JulesinParadise wrote:We sometimes get so caught up in getting everything done on our holiday To Do list that we forget to enjoy this 'most wonderful time of the year'. So, lets share some ideas (big or small) for getting that HOLIDAY SPIRIT

1. drop off some canned goods at the local shelter

2. treat myself to a flavored beverage (peppermint flavored coffee or spiced hot cider are my faves)


Mine are pretty much the same!

As president of a student organization I was responsible for picking up all the donations for our annual food drive and taking them to the Salvation Army... made me feel very warm and fuzzy inside!

And this week I had a peppermint mocha at Starbucks!

I also like to start making christmas goodies early to "get in the spirit" :D
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Who's got that holiday spirit?
Baking cookies is my favorite Christmas tradition. Tons and tons of cookies come out of my kitchen. I did miss doing it last year because of having my surgery at the beginning of December, but I am ready this year.
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