Happy Crop Friday ladies!!!!

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Happy Crop Friday ladies!!!!

Post by beachlover »

yes, it's finally here! I don't know about all of you, but it has been a long week for me! Came home from ckc last weekend and found the carpet in front of my fridge was wet, kept mopping and mopping, and it kept getting wetter and wetter... My BIL came over yesterday while I was at work and found the fridge has been leaking for a while from behind and there is mold on the floor/wall where the fridge should be. Needless to say the fridge is now in the middle of the kitchen (still running cuz its full of food) in the middle of the kitchen and the carpet is tore up. Guess what??? I am not dealing with it till after the crop.... Gotta give everyhting time to dry really good too and BIL is coming back this weekend to see if fridge needs replaced or what. Meanwhile, I am cropping and not worrying:-D :winkb:
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Re: Happy Crop Friday ladies!!!!

Post by scrapy1967 »

Good morning! That would have to happen right before the crop. I love that you have your priorities straight crop before dealing with fridge. Thank you for the awesome eye candy!:-D :-D
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Re: Happy Crop Friday ladies!!!!

Post by 4peasinourpod »

omg, that SUCKS :(
glad that you would rather crop than clean out a fridge. :winkb:
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Re: Happy Crop Friday ladies!!!!

Post by LyndaKay »

Sorry about the fridge leak! What a pain. Happy Crop Friday to you, too! Have fun.

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Re: Happy Crop Friday ladies!!!!

Post by joannie »

What timing!!! Hope you can get a GREAT deal on the fridge!!!!
- joannie

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Re: Happy Crop Friday ladies!!!!

Post by Retiree3 »

Beachlover, you have a wonderful attitude! Enjoy your weekend!
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Re: Happy Crop Friday ladies!!!!

Post by kguercio »

Don't worry the fridge will still be there after the crop, although so might some water! LOL!
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Re: Happy Crop Friday ladies!!!!

Post by scrappie_stacie »

Way to look on the bright side and forge ahead with what's really important this weekend... SCRAPPIN'!!!

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Re: Happy Crop Friday ladies!!!!

Post by SarahA »

Happy Crop Day!
Our fridge did that right before we left on vacation, but it was the ice maker water line that was leaking. Once I turned the water line off in the basement, it stopped. Good luck with getting yours fixed! And happy scrapping this weekend!
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Re: Happy Crop Friday ladies!!!!

Post by SusanZennario »

Good morning!!! Ann....that really stinks. I'm having a similar issue with my car...the passenger side floor is sopping wet and John can't find anywhere that it would be leaking from. Its not dripping from above by the dashboard because there are things left on the floor (kids socks, receipts, etc.) that are not wet on top, just where they are sitting on the wet rug. We had prior plans for Saturday so he tells me that we have to go to his friends house first thing Sunday morning so he can get the car up on a lift to see whats wrong. I said not THIS Sunday! As it is I am losing Saturday for cropping!! LOL!! Priorities, man!!

I'm already scrapping....got 4 layouts done so far. But now that the rest of the world is awake, I need to get to the bank, post office and a couple other errands this morning so I can concentrate on the crop this afternoon/tonight!
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Re: Happy Crop Friday ladies!!!!

Post by gine »

Good Morning and Happy Friday to you too
Hope you get your leak fixed as soon as the crop is over

HUGS,,it stinks to come home to broken stuff
Gine !!!

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Re: Happy Crop Friday ladies!!!!

Post by oceanbreezes423 »

How wonderfully refreshing it is to see someone with such a GREAT attitude, even when the chips are down! Happy scrappin' to you!!!!!
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Re: Happy Crop Friday ladies!!!!

Post by Scrappy69 »

And there is nothing fun about spending good scrap money on a new fridge! Been there, done that. UGH! :?
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Re: Happy Crop Friday ladies!!!!

Post by scrappininAK »

leaking fridges can sure make a mess - that's how our wood floor got messed up - from a pinhole leak. Hope you get it sorted soon

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Re: Happy Crop Friday ladies!!!!

Post by letumom »

Oh, Happy Friday to everyone.

What a great attitude about the fridge, you have. If you have an icemaker, you might want to turn it off and see if that helps. If you need ice, may as well bring in a cooler with some, cause you'll need it to transfer all the frozen stuff anyway.

As for the car, I had a similar situation once upon a time, only the water was in the back seat! We found out that it was a plugged line for the air conditioner under the hood causing the problem. The water was condensing, and the back seat well was the lowest point, so that's where the water was collecting.

Good luck getting everything fixed.
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Re: Happy Crop Friday ladies!!!!

Post by shayla_rose »

Oh no! well your right gotta give it time to dry ;) lol! Well It has really been a long stressful week for me too (last week of summer) I am so ready for the weekend!! oh and thanks for the eye candy!! :D
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Re: Happy Crop Friday ladies!!!!

Post by meteechtap »

Ladies so sorry about those leaks!! My DH's last car always leaked onto the passenger side front seat floor after it rained!! He would turn a corner and then whoosh, water all over the floor board. I am glad that your both going to scrap though!! At least your priorities are in order!!:-D :-D :-D
Good luck to us all this weekend!!! Happy Crop!!
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Re: Happy Crop Friday ladies!!!!

Post by Heidi1154 »

Good Morning!
Sorry to hear about your leak hope it gets fixed soon!


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Re: Happy Crop Friday ladies!!!!

Post by koala1966 »

It has just been one of those weeks over here too! We had lots of problems at work on Wednesday evening and 4 of us ended up literally working all night to fix them, I got about 2 hours sleep before getting back to work yesterday, and then last night I couldn't really sleep, although I ended up with about 6 hours and I'm feeling pretty good considering. So glad it's Crop Friday!
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Re: Happy Crop Friday ladies!!!!

Post by Ashjoy »

Now that's hot! TGIF! Woot! Woot!

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