An extra toe. Your fingers are so important for things like typing (home row keys) whereas feet are used for mostly balance and walking (which I don't think would be affected too much by an extra toe)
Kat >^..^<
I'd rather have an extra husband lost a piece of his finger and it hinders all kinds of things...writing, typing, smoking (now he quit, thank goodness!). Plus it's easier to hide an extra toe!!
The extra toe. Which Queen of England had the extra toes? Does anyone remember? Shoot, now I'm going to have to google it.
One extra toe for me.
"Courage is being scared to death-but saddling up anyway." John Wayne
Jody H. (jodcold)
Jody H. (jodcold)
extra toe....I could always have it removed!
BTW, I'm glad to see the regular flasher dude back....that bunny one was just creepy!!;)
BTW, I'm glad to see the regular flasher dude back....that bunny one was just creepy!!;)