Helllooo doggie lovers!!

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Re: Helllooo doggie lovers!!

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I had a lab named Sydney too!! We had to give her away when we moved. I have a little yorkie poo now but I'm not at home so I can't put a picture on.
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Re: Helllooo doggie lovers!!

Post by pawprints »

dmwhalley wrote: Here is another of my Soda- she's a cuddly little thing and loves pillows and blankets.Image

Soda is ADORABLE! She does look cuddly and so sweet!

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Re: Helllooo doggie lovers!!

Post by montana_girl »

We always had dogs while I was growing up and this is probably the longest stretch I've gone without one (about 5 1/2 years now), but I do have three kitties. Here is my baby, Stray:

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Re: Helllooo doggie lovers!!

Post by LindsayJane »

I am a doggie lover from way back! :)

Here is the dog we only had for 12 days because she was poisoned (by our neighbour we suspect)...


....and here's the dog we have now. We saved her from the lost dog's home. I am slightly biased...but how cute are these two?

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Re: Helllooo doggie lovers!!

Post by pawprints »

LindsayJane wrote:I am a doggie lover from way back! :)

Here is the dog we only had for 12 days because she was poisoned (by our neighbour we suspect)...


....and here's the dog we have now. We saved her from the lost dog's home. I am slightly biased...but how cute are these two?


OMG they are gorgeous and I can't believe that someone could do that to that beautiful little baby! Oh that is just too sad!

And btw your layouts are fabulous!

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Re: Helllooo doggie lovers!!

Post by cat1393 »

Imageand here's "Sunshine"! almost 3 years old in this pic! one of my favorites:)

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Re: Helllooo doggie lovers!!

Post by pawprints »

cat1393 wrote:Imageand here's "Sunshine"! almost 3 years old in this pic! one of my favorites:)

I was waiting for you Christine to post a pic of your beautiful doggie! She is gorgeous!

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Re: Helllooo doggie lovers!!

Post by Firegems »

Here are my two fur babies.

This is Scout


And This is lady.

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Re: Helllooo doggie lovers!!

Post by LindsayJane »

There are so many gorgeous dogs around! :)
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Re: Helllooo doggie lovers!!

Post by CherryTat »

Oh my heavens, all these beautiful animals!!!! I just loooove pictures of doggies when they are looking down and their faces are all wrinkled up :)Here's more of Soda (I
can't resist...heehee)ImageImage
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Re: Helllooo doggie lovers!!

Post by letumom »

Awwwww.....everyone's furbaby pics are so cool to see.

Growing up we had a miniature poodle. Both my mom and I are allergic to pet dander, and this was the only breed (at the time) that we could tolerate. I've tried over the years to have pets, but always seem to succumb to the allergies - mostly with cats.

One of these days, I keep telling myself I want to try again, and this time find another breed that won't cause me sniffles. But it would have to be something small that I can keep in my apartment.
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Re: Helllooo doggie lovers!!

Post by pawprints »

Everyone's furbabies are ADORABLE! More pics please!

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Re: Helllooo doggie lovers!!

Post by writerlady »



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Re: Helllooo doggie lovers!!

Post by jiffy »

My little shih tzu -- Gizmo. Cutest little puppie dog ever! Our hearts were broken when we lost him two years ago to that dreaded of all diseases -- cancer.
He just made everything we did so much more fun! Missing him still ....

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Re: Helllooo doggie lovers!!

Post by CherryTat »

I wanted to make this thread active again to see more animals!! Thanks to all that have posted so far. Ler's see some more!!! :) Here is my Soda again...I love my fur baby!!


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Re: Helllooo doggie lovers!!

Post by suslvgeo »

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww what an AWESOME thread!!

I am a huge pet lover and they totally become a part of the family for me!!

I had this doggie for 15 years. The last five years she had diabetes and I gave her shots twice a day until we had to put her down five years ago.:(:(:(


I have had this little cwazy woofer for the past nine years.

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Re: Helllooo doggie lovers!!

Post by Henu_Nea »

Awww! I'm LOVING this thread!!! Now I have to go find pictures of my animals to share!
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Re: Helllooo doggie lovers!!

Post by baltoscrapper »

I love animals!! I rescue kittens and foster them and find them homes....here's some of my "perma-cats"

Axel (Axi-girl) We named her Axel because we thought she was a boy. By the time we realized she was a she, the name had already stuck, so we call her Axi-girl (a little more girlie). we rescue her and her bro's and sis's. She was so pretty my dh wanted to keep her, so we did. And yes, she always looks like she has an attitude!!


Juni B (was JT Jr, but the name was unlucky, so we changed it) He was from a recent set of fosters, we could NOT not keep him. He was addicted to humans like no other kitten I ever met. He put his stamp on our hearts immediately!!

Here's Juni with his broken leg, in his 2nd cast (he got the 1st one off).


and as a kitten..

Image (excuse the horrid picture of me, but this is one of my favs of him as a baby!)

And than there's Rascal, he's our 13yr old boy who we've had since he was 6wks. He is the best kitty ever!! Not a mean bone in his body, unless you are a mouse, than WATCH OUT!!! He even lets me do THIS to him!!

Image I can't believe I don't have my layout of this picture posted! Anyway, this is Rascal....

And than, here's some of the cuties we've fostered recently

Image <-------------Bootsie (and not my boobs, my friends boobs)

One more, Bootsie, HArley and Chloe

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