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Size 4 model: I was fired for being too fat

What!!! When will our society change what we see in magazines.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Disgusting..........
I saw that. It is ridiculous!
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Disgusting..........
yeap that is disgusting. Models are forced to starve themselfs to be a show piece and they don't realize a lot of times they look sick. Not pretty. It's not right that they are fired for being a size 4
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Disgusting..........
I'd love to be a size 4 (heck I'd love to be a size 8...) This shows how screwed up society really is.
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Disgusting..........
I saw that and thought " and this is why our girls don't have a healthy body image!"
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Disgusting..........
Wow. That is ridiculous! I can't even imagine what they'd say to the size 9 I am! I must be obese to them!! Disgusting that this is what society expects. :(
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Cherry Cola

Re: Disgusting..........
Ugh that pissed me off SOO much. :( size 4 is tiny!
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Cherry Bing

Re: Disgusting..........
That is horrible! Did you see the article about the teen model who lost weight at the "advice" of designers until she was 102 pounds? She's 5'9"! She started losing her hair, so she quit modeling for a bit, gained 7 pounds on her doctor's advice, and now can't get work. Crazy.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Disgusting..........
Oh what a sad thing! Check out Glamour this month ladies! They have a new article with real sized girls in it, and have stated that they are going to try and not promote unreal body types. I really hope they keep this promise. As a dance teacher we have many real sized students. I myself am real sized lady. I also order costumes for our studio and have noticed most of the companies that are making costumes now go to size xxl adult! { i am not endorsing that xxl is an acceptable healthy weight} just that they are relizing not all dancers are primas and everybodys bodys are different!
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Celebrity Cherry 5/10 , Guest Ct 5/11

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Wild Cherry

Re: Disgusting..........
Yes, in our society many people don't respect people for what they are, but for how much can they do for me. If one does not fit the mold, then you're totally useless. What a sad state of affairs.
Donna-Retiree3-Proud Grandmother of Three Boys!


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Cherry Cola

Re: Disgusting..........
i saw that this morning. Its the stupidest thing I have ever heard but you know she's not a 0 or 2 so she's fat :?
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Disgusting..........
I read that and I totally agree with you!
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Disgusting..........
Did you see how they photo-shopped her??? Made her head look bigger than her hips! Disgusting is right!
I used to be a "celebrity cherry", but now I'm in re-hab...... Holy Carp!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Disgusting..........
meteechtap wrote:Oh what a sad thing! Check out Glamour this month ladies! They have a new article with real sized girls in it, and have stated that they are going to try and not promote unreal body types. I really hope they keep this promise. As a dance teacher we have many real sized students. I myself am real sized lady. I also order costumes for our studio and have noticed most of the companies that are making costumes now go to size xxl adult! { i am not endorsing that xxl is an acceptable healthy weight} just that they are relizing not all dancers are primas and everybodys bodys are different!
I bet quite a few of the WNBA ladies are xxl or at least xl. If you are really tall and big boned, you can be 150 pounds or more and not overweight.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Disgusting..........
it's unreal - she was on one of the morning shows and claimed that she hadn't gained or lost weight in all the time of her contract. The deal is that sample clothes are getting made smaller and smaller.

It's wrong, but unfortunately probably won't change anytime soon. I personally think even some of the biggest loser winners got too thin...but I like a little meat on my bones (not that I shouldn't have about 25 pounds less meat on me)
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Jenna - Mom to Emily (2/02) & Kaitlyn (2/04)
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Disgusting..........
I've never been into how I should look by society's standards which is warped anyway. I was always told with my 35 inch inseam I should have modeled. Yuck, I would much rathered be at the barn with my horse and dirty from head to toe or in the pool working out with my swim team. As a child I looked way to thin, knobby knees etc. As a teen ager I hit 123lbs at 15 and stayed there until I was a sophomore in college when I went to 127lbs. Five feet eight inches that is thin, especially with my bone size which is on the low size of large. At 24 I dropped my weight to 110lbs. Definitely not on purpose, I was working outdoors managing a horse farm. I was also eating like a race horse. Four full size meals a day. After my first pregnancy I stablized at 137lbs. A good weight finally. When I went to work in an office, I blew up hitting late 30's and went to 150 and then when I hit 180 and still able to carry it I decided that was it, no more additions. I'm down to 153 and want to get to 140.

For those of you in your twenties it may still be hard to think you'll ever reach 50.....how fast it will arrive. And as I look to turn 50 in a year it now is just a number. Some of you may have read I worked for TDCJ. I had an inmate doing life for murder tell me as he was about to turn 40 (I was 36) his life was the best it had ever been. Gave me pause to think. Ya know, he was right. When I hit 40 it was like my life was settled, productive and finally I had what I felt was a little wisdom in my life. It's in the mind if you think your growing older.

My whole point is, it doesn't matter what you look like in your teens or twenties. At some point in your life you will deal with weight and we all get older.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Disgusting..........
It is a sad day when a person is fired for being a size 4 .
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A Cherry on Top

Re: Disgusting..........
Totally agree :) But THIS story really makes me feel so much better about myself!! I love it!!!
Trish ~ It's all fun and games until somebody loses an EYELET!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Disgusting..........
I heard this on the News. I think the Model is fighting about it.

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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Disgusting..........
cat1393 wrote:I heard this on the News. I think the Model is fighting about it.
Ok, y'all are gonna get mad at me for this... But I don't see how she has any standing to fight this if there was a clause in her contract to be able to wear RL sample clothes. No, a size 4 IS NOT big, but it is for a model. If she could no longer perform her job the way she was supposed to, I understand why they canned her. She signed the contract.

I am IN NO WAY saying that it's right that we glorify people that are so thin. Sure, it would be great for RL to step forward and attempt to change the way things are done in the fashion industry. But guess what. That doesn't sell clothes. Skinny people sell clothes. Again, it's a shame that this is the case. But I think that pointing the finger at RL is unfair when we should instead be pointing the finger at the entire industry.
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