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Chocolate Covered Cherry

College Station Tornado
If you automatically think mkcdaisy, I know her house is fine because the tornado traveled the south side of CS. For me, it was an experience. I've seen two tornados before, but I sure don't like to be in a car when I saw what I did yesterday. Instead of dealing with Houston traffic at 4:30pm yesterday I went from our house in Southern Brazoria county via Needville, Brookshire, Hempstead, to CS and then north to the ranch. Driving into CS I got about five miles out and sure didn't like the look of the wall cloud straight ahead of me. By three miles out I was pretty sure there was rotation. I was trained as a storm spotter in 1994. Sure enough as I got to the exit for Rock Prairie I could clearly see the rotation. It was streaming so I knew I didn't have to head west, and I had time to get north of the funnel. Very cool to watch! Then I drove into the storm and went through two separate hail cores. Lots of straight line winds too, outflow from the tornado that really shook the car as it hit it from the left side. DH just left the ranch to check on DH's mobile home as she is currently home for the summer. I'm sure it's fine as I've heard it was an F0 or weak F1. I'll know in a couple of hours.

I know I'm nuts but on my Bucket List is a Storm Chasing vacation in the Plains!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: College Station Tornado
Yikes! We had one here last night, a little west of where I live.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: College Station Tornado
They had one south of the city here last night two... seems like it was a wild night. Glad your safe.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: College Station Tornado
OMG! I've watched several YouTube experiences of folks chasing T'storms and T's, but I certainly don't have the moxie for it. Glad everyone is ok.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: College Station Tornado
I fell asleep as the sirens in my neighborhood started LOL! I was too tired to care.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: College Station Tornado
I would of turned the first sight of bad weather Scaredy cat here!! Big time!! Storms scare me anyways, I Grew up in Homestead and Miami Fla. lots of Hurricanes, I doint ever remember seeing tornados Your much braver than I am lol
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Cherry Bing

Re: College Station Tornado
Wow! It's a good thing you had your training to rely on! I don't think you're crazy to want to go storm chasing! It sounds pretty exhilarating to say the least!!! Glad you are all safe!

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Cherry Cola

Re: College Station Tornado
So glad you're okay!!

Growing up in TX I think we have a different fascination than most people with tornadoes. ;) They're rumbling through AR this morning. So far nothing big where I am but the storms and straight line winds have knocked over some pretty large trees.

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Cherry Garcia

Re: College Station Tornado
We very rarely have tornados here; I've never seen one. Ice storms yes, tornados no. I would have been so scared!
"Courage is being scared to death-but saddling up anyway." John Wayne

Jody H. (jodcold)

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Cherry Cola

Re: College Station Tornado
yep i;m fine but i was out in college station and lots of trees are down. I did have one of my jumpiter trees fall (partly) and a plant in my pond tumbled. Other than that my house it great.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: College Station Tornado
mkcdaisy wrote:yep i;m fine but i was out in college station and lots of trees are down. I did have one of my jumpiter trees fall (partly) and a plant in my pond tumbled. Other than that my house it great.

So happy to hear from you!!!!

If your juniper isn't to big you can upright it, stake it....then call the Horticulture Department (TAMU) and ask them to tell you how to care for the tree.

All I can say it was one heck of a ride once I got north of 2818. I even thought about you before I left our coastal home for the ranch. Wish I'd had your phone number, but as I look back to yesterday I would not have wanted to exit my vehicle.

DH reported in and lots of limbs down in the Mobile Home Park where her house is. None from the tree in her yard. Leaves everywhere. Even her roses are fine. Amazing as the hail was coming down from the West. Her home is fine. :)
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Cherry Cola

Re: College Station Tornado
yep i sat there while it was doing all that playing on one computer while programs and such loaded on the other one
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A Cherry on Top

Re: College Station Tornado
So glad to hear you all are okay!

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: College Station Tornado
Oh boy - nothing like Mother Nature throwing her weight around. And we are headed into Hurricane Season too!
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A Cherry on Top

Re: College Station Tornado
I am glad you were safe but that you got to see the show.
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Cherry Blossom

Re: College Station Tornado
Yikes! From one tornado alley (central Illinois) to another, glad to hear that you're all ok!

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Cherry Cropper

Re: College Station Tornado
I am glad all are safe!
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: College Station Tornado
Glad you are all OK
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: College Station Tornado
Yikes!! So glad everyone's ok. We had one hit our house on my 5th birthday - no major damage, but I still hate them!!! I won't even see the movie about them. ;-)
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: College Station Tornado
glad you're okay!!

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