Question of the day 5/11

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Re: Question of the day 5/11

Post by baltoscrapper »

HAven't staying in one "just for the heck of it".
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Re: Question of the day 5/11

Post by my3boyz »

Not yet but I have thought about it a million times! have fun!!
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Re: Question of the day 5/11

Post by writerlady »

Yes, but more than 15 years ago.
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Re: Question of the day 5/11

Post by sylgise5 »

Yes, dinner, movie then to a motel for the night.
Had a great date night.:-D :-D
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Re: Question of the day 5/11

Post by grifscap »

Yes, just once dh and I had a wondeerful tim.e
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Re: Question of the day 5/11

Post by sarahwhithers »

Nope. But maybe once I have kids this will be something I wanna do. :-D
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Re: Question of the day 5/11

Post by jodcold »

No, but I do love staying in hotels. We travel at least 6 times a year, so I get to stay in hotels quite often.
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Re: Question of the day 5/11

Post by emarie803 »

Yep! It was a fun little treat!
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Re: Question of the day 5/11

Post by jcsmaestra »

Yes, when we felt like we needed a treat--dinner out and a stay at a beautiful hotel.
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Re: Question of the day 5/11

Post by Cimorosete »

Can't say that I have. I'm too much of a home body.
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Re: Question of the day 5/11

Post by MarthaT »

When we were younger we did a couple times, it was nice
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Re: Question of the day 5/11

Post by stampaholic85 »

yes, and we should do it again. Sounds like fun. Enjoy...
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Re: Question of the day 5/11

Post by lilkoala3 »

Does it look like I'm made of money?!
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Re: Question of the day 5/11

Post by SBcrazee »

Nope, but then again my bed at home is so much more comfortable.
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Re: Question of the day 5/11

Post by GRACEpunches5 »

nope. but, dh and i would sure like too! :winkb:

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Re: Question of the day 5/11

Post by pebblesjns »

DH and I have done this a couple of times. Last year for our anniversary we planned a trip to Gatlinburg, but we didn't go until May. Our anniversary is actually in March, so the weekend of our anniversary, we booked a hotel room for the night just to get away and do something different. It's always a nice change of pace as I don't have to think about cleaning or cooking while we're away for the night.
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Re: Question of the day 5/11

Post by evilqueen »

No, that is too much money to dish out.
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Re: Question of the day 5/11

Post by mkcdaisy »

i have only stayed in a local hotel twice. Once for the senior prom and once for my wedding night. Never just cause.
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Re: Question of the day 5/11

Post by 1momma »

That sounds like a fun idea. Hope you have a great getaway.
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Re: Question of the day 5/11

Post by SarahA »

I've never done it, but I totally would if I had the chance!
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