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Cherry Bing

Happy Saturday Morning!!
I don't know about anyone else but I am so glad it is Saturday. I have a cold and being at work yesterday was not exactly where I would have liked to have been but I went to bed early and even though I coughed most the night, I am up and enjoying the beautiful morning. How about everyone else - any special plans for the Mother's Day weekend?

It is my dh's birthday today so we plan to take him out to eat. It is also opening of fishing in MN today. I am going to work on cleaning out our screen porch, collecting stuff for our rummage sale at work next week and maybe some scrapbooking tonight.

Tomorrow I leave for St. Paul for a two day workshop and some fun shopping in the evening. Hope to make a trip to Archiver's while I am there just to look around. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and Mother's Day!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Happy Saturday Morning!!
Good morning! I am going to a crop at Archivers today I hope to get some of the may challenges done. Sunday I will go to my moms for mothers day. I hope everyone has a great weekend.
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Happy Saturday Morning!!
Good monring ya'll! not sure what the day has in store--that could be good or bad, but I just got my order of goodies from the store from the crop last weekend, so I hoping to dive in and use some!
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Happy Saturday Morning!!
Good morning, it is also a beautiful morning here, everyone is still sleeping, even the dogs have gone back to bed after their morning outing. I'm enjoying a cup of coffee and listening to the birds chirping. Not sure what the day will bring, I would like to go shopping, and check out the mother's day sales. Hope you feel better.

Life is good, and even better when the SUN is shining! :)
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Happy Saturday Morning!!
Good morning ladies!! I just woke up and the sun is shining and its absolutely beautiful outside. I hope it's like this all day. Not much planned today, except some yard work.

Enjoy your Saturday!!!
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Cherry Bing

Re: Happy Saturday Morning!!
It's kinda cloudy in Massachusetts, but we have lots of yard work to do--YUCK!!!!
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Cherry Addict

Re: Happy Saturday Morning!!
Good morning everyone! Its warm and sunny here. I have a wonderful, busy weekend. Saw ds and his gf off to her senior prom last night then went to a party. Now I am just eating a blueberry bagel as I pack the last of my things and I am off to a crop for the day. Tomorrow, not sure yet, but I know I'll be tired :winkb: Have a wonderful Weekend, Mother's Day everyone and Pam, I hope your cold gets better :-D
Ann ~ Life is always better at the beach!
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Cherry Berry

Re: Happy Saturday Morning!!
Morning ladies! It's another hot and beautiful day here in Houston! Not sure yet what today brings, probably a lot of cleaning - I have 2 parties at my house next weekend, and company staying for the weekend. Lots to do....
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Happy Saturday Morning!!
Happy Saturday!


When you see me with a smile on my face, then you'll know I'm a mental case. ~ Alice Cooper
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Cherry Cola

Re: Happy Saturday Morning!!
Work til 2 then come home and work from 3 to 5:30. Then I plan on going to dinner with my Granny and birthday present shopping for my cousin who will be 3 sunday.

Tomorrow I have to make a chocolate delight, salad and cheese biscuits (like Red Lobster's) and then dinner with the family for mothers day.
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A Cherry on Top

Re: Happy Saturday Morning!!
I am also glad it is the weekend. Nothing special planned. We started switching rooms around last night. Em wants the room that was my scrapbook room so I am swapping with her. I don't know if all my stuff will fit in her old room but we will see. I have another couple of hours to go before I will have the room empty. And where is she you might ask...she is working a bike race for her Interact Club. Yeah....this isn't going to get finished this weekend.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Happy Saturday Morning!!
I've finished some house work, ate breakfast, clothes are in the dryer & I'm heading in to shower & then dd's t-ball game. I hope to run some errands & then watch one of the movies I got from the library. Have a great day all.
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Cherry Bomb

Re: Happy Saturday Morning!!
Good morning!
Hope everyone has a nice day!!!


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Cherry Cola

Re: Happy Saturday Morning!!

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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Happy Saturday Morning!!
good morning everyone! I have to work today (10:45-7:15), so no scrapping for me because after work, i'm taking a friend to see STAR TREK!!!! I saw it with my dad yesterday, and IT IS FABULOUS!!!! You have to go see it! :)
*ange* :)
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Happy Saturday Morning!!
It is Saturday afternoon here. But Welcome the weekend!
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Happy Saturday Morning!!
I finally got a little time online. Been working outside and watching the boob tube... ROFL. Had to rest up after the busy week I had. Thank goodness for weekends. Maybe I'll get to do a bit of scrapping today. Hope so. Happy Mother's Day to everyone who won't be online tomorrow.

Please stop by my blog,Writerlady's Craftroom

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