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Wild Cherry

Re: Need some serious advice......
Sounds like my son who is now 17 and is on concerta for ADD and has been since he was 15. It works well for him (he noticed a difference right away). He wasn't over active, just couldn't focus and stay on task.
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Wild Cherry

Re: Need some serious advice......
ScrapEgypt wrote: Tracy - that is something to think about.

One of the reasons I chose the doc with the practice that focuses of educational/learning issues is because he offers a wide range of testing options.  I know it will cost a fortune, but I want him run thru a full battery of tests - just to make sure we are going to be treating/addressing the RIGHT issue.

He is so bright, but I just feel there is some sort of "disconnect" that is keeping him from achieving to his full potential.  For example - it been a few years, but the last IOWA test he took was in 5th grade.  In the math section, he scored 95% on both the  Concepts & Evaluation and Problem Solving & Data Interpretation secions.  BUT - he scored a 19% on the Computation part!  Now, how in the blazes can he score so high on the first 2 sections, but bomb the computation part?  Something just doesn't "jive" there.

Our first appointment is tonight- so we'll see............
I'm not a dr, or even an expert in the matter, but here's my 2 cents again based on my own experience with my daughter.

I think it jives. :D In fact, it does not even surprise me. Here's why; the fact that the very complex portions of what you said he scored well in, but the boring (probably to him) he scored poorly on, leads me to belive that the advanced concepts appealed to his higher brain function, but the rote adding/subtracting, etc. wasn't interesting and (perhaps) not a lot of effort was put into those portions. KWIM? That's just how it is with some of those kids a lot of times. They'll rush through the 'boring' stuff.

One of the most frustrating things to me was how poorly Sydney's overall grades were because of homework not turned in, while at the same time, she was getting 95-100% on tests!! You know they can do it-it's getting them motivated to do the parts they find uninteresting that's the hard (and aggravating) part. Because they can walk in and ace a test without doing any of the 'boring' homework, I think (in my opinion), that homework becomes less and less important in their mind. They know they know the stuff and don't see the 'point' in doing homework at all.

As far as the 'disconnect'-definitely check out the article about gifted kids and homework in particular. You should see some very familiar patterns there, :winkb:(and as an aside, planners never worked for my kid either). There's also an article about gifted kids who also have ADD (although it states that this almost only happens if other close family members also suffer from ADD, as ADD runs in families) Oddly enough gifted kids can also suffer from learning disabilites, (how much of a contradiction does that seem like?) which can keep them from realizing their 'full potential'.

That said, the dr's practice as you describe it, sounds like the perfect place to find out the root cause of the problem, no matter what the final diagnosis is. I hope they are able to help your family. Good luck!
On a molecular level, I'm very busy.
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Wild Cherry

Re: Need some serious advice......
 No advice as I have no experience with this, just sending you wishes that the right answer is found for him. (((hugs)))

I'm not saying forget what you lost
I suppose there's a purpose in pain
What we make of ourselves has a cost
And it's paid every time we take hold of the reins
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Need some serious advice......
 Just wanted to let you know that I have similar issues with my dd and she was tested as gifted.  The school work in the normal classes wasn't challenging enough and she was bored.  Bad grades and missing homework at school and the concentration issues too.  May want to check into this too.  HUGS!
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Cherry Bomb

Re: Need some serious advice......
 I am beginning to guess we have a variety of things going on. Should be a very intersting appt this evening!!!!  Thanks for all the support and stories!  Definitely makes me feel much less "alone"!!!!   :)

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Cherry Bomb

Re: Need some serious advice......
 Just a quick update -

The appt went quite well.   The doc was very good and DS did a great job of answering his questions quite honestly - and even mentioning things that I hadn't really thought about, especially in making comparisons to this new school and his old school.

Bascially, the doc says that DS seems to have a mild form of ADHD - enough to cause problems but not serious enough to cause him to be flunking, getting in trouble, etc.   While we didn't really talk to much about the "gifted" part, he made several comments about DS's grades and test scores.....emphasizing the fact that he is very bright and capabale and just needs help to achieve up to his potential.  I think DS liked hearing that from the doc as he never believes me when I say it!

Anyway - I have some forms to fill out and I am having a couple of his teachers fill out forms as well.  Then, we'll get the full report back from the doc (hopefully next week) and get the boy on some meds. I'm going to let him be on the medication for a little while, then I'm going to bring in a study skills/organization coach that I've heard about.   No point in doing that when he is still creating his own little tornado of chaos!

Thanks again for all the hugs and support.  I"ll let you know how things go!

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