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Cherry Jubilee

Question of the day 1/21
 Have you ever been fired from a job?????

I have not been but today there is a big meeting with our CNO and I the talk is that we are all being let go-- because they are re-doing our department and our jobs will no longer exist.........I am at apoint where it would ALMOST be nice to be let go and collect unemploymnet and go back to school.......
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Question of the day 1/21
Good luck with your meeting!
I have never been fired! One girl at our office did get fired for coming in drunk to work a few years ago- kind of a no-no when you work in the mental health/substance abuse field!
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Tiki Bar Mgr

Re: Question of the day 1/21
 Yes !  I was fifteen and worked part time at the public library.  I got fired for reading in the stacks instead of putting the books away.  lol   I've held a few jobs since then and never been fired from a single one since.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Question of the day 1/21
 Never, ever!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Question of the day 1/21
Nope never. 
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Question of the day 1/21
 No, I have not.

 I made it through several "restructurings" in the company I used to work for. Jobs no longer existed and people were terminated. It was nerve racking!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Question of the day 1/21
 I've never been fired but I have fired someone. He was the bossed nephew too. But it was all good, I think my boss was glad that I got enough paper work on him to fire him. He was a terrible employee.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Question of the day 1/21
 I'm going to say "yes and no".  When I was a teenager working at Franks, one of the managers called me on a Friday and told me I had to work on Saturday.  I told them that I was busy (which I was) and I could not, but I could work the hour change on Sunday.  After a few minutes on hold, the manager came back and told me not to come on at all on the weekend.   Then on Saturday, with my mom, I went to get my paycheck and they had a few words ( I think I quit and got fired at the same time).  But that was ok because I also had another job at the time.
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Northern Brat

Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Question of the day 1/21
 No never!

...and if you do happen to be "laid off"...I think that is totally different from being "fired" .  Good luck with your meeting. 
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Re: Question of the day 1/21
 No - but I was laid off.

I think it was illegal because someone else was hired after I was and when the manager found out I was pregnant she wasn't happy about it.    So I think I was laid off because of being pregnant.   That was in 1970 and things weren't as set in stone as they are now.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Question of the day 1/21
 Yes.  I was working at a bank when I was in a pretty bad car accident.  I had to take two weeks off work to recover, which they were not happy about.

On my first day back I was working the afternoon shift, so I went to see the doctor in the morning for some pain medication.  My regular doctor wasn't there and the other doctor gave me pills that were too strong.  By the time I got to work the pills had made me very sick.  After two hours I asked to go home.  Two hours later the phone rang and they told me I was fired. :?
- Jody -
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Question of the day 1/21
 No, but I think my old boss would have liked to have fired me. We did not get along very well, I now have her job.
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Grandma Flowers

Cherry Cropper

Re: Question of the day 1/21
 Yes, when I was in high school.  I worked in an office with absolutely no guidance and then they'd get mad because I did something wrong.  It was a relief because I wanted to quit and really didn't know how.
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Question of the day 1/21
 I have not been fired.

 I wish you the best with whatever happens with yours!
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Question of the day 1/21
 nope, never!!! :-)

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Cherry Bomb

Re: Question of the day 1/21
 My answer would be yes... sort of...  When I was 17, I was working at a local diner/drive in.  I had asked for a specific day off (my birthday) so I could go to the state fair.  The owner shocked me by saying, "Yes, you can have the day off and all the days before and after.  Bring in your shirt, your done here."  I found out later, they were having financial troubles and I was the first one to be "fired."  They closed down about month or so later.  So although I was devasted at first, I realized it wasn't anything I had done, just bad business practices on the part of the owner.
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Question of the day 1/21
 Yes- I had a boss that did not care for me much. She wrote me up for receiving personal calls at work. The calls were from my Dad's oncologist and surgeon. My Dad was in the ICU due to cancer and complications after surgery and I was the one that needed to make the medical decisions. I was instructed that I could only receive calls during my breaks (which I never got). The calls did not interfere with my work and I had approved Family Medical Leave Act paperwork.

I was humiliating at first but it gave me the opportunity to find my dream job so it all worked out.Good luck and remember these things tend to work out in the end even if we cannot see it when we are going through it.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Question of the day 1/21
Never fired, but I was laid off from my last job when the company went belly up. That was a sucky day! :?
"I tend to live in the past because most of my life is there." --Herb Caen
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Question of the day 1/21
 Fortunately, I have not! 
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Question of the day 1/21
 No, I haven't.  And good luck with your meeting!  ITA with the post that said that there's a big difference between being laid off and being fired!!

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