Question of the day 11/19

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Re: Question of the day 11/19

Post by Shanscraps »

 I have one, but I keep the door open all the time...
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Re: Question of the day 11/19

Post by CatwoMN »

I just moved to an apartment so don't have a front door anymore but my balcony door has become the stand in for my front door - the glass door is always open with just the screen closed on nice days (not many of those in MN these days.) I love to have the fresh air coming in and the front door was one of the things I knew I would miss most.

If you don't plan to ever keep the door open though, I prefer the look of just a door from a curb appeal standpoint.
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Re: Question of the day 11/19

Post by butterfly843 »

 We have a screen on our front door and sliding doors in the back with a screen.
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Re: Question of the day 11/19

Post by jaziscrapper »

 Yes and I love it! The screen drops down from the top so my girls (dogs) can't harm the screen. We open ours all the time as it really lights up our front room.
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Re: Question of the day 11/19

Post by Vicky »

 Yup, we do
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Re: Question of the day 11/19

Post by LKappy »

 No, but I would love to have one of the storm doors that you can change from screen to glass (at least for the back door). They are nice for extra light and fresh air without the bugs.

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Cherry Bing
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Re: Question of the day 11/19

Post by RitaS »

 Nope - none here. Although we have talked about getting one for the front door, which happens to be in our living room and goes out onto a deck. Of course we talked about it when the kids were tots and we thought they might like to look out - kind of like those cats. Now that they are older I doubt anyone would care.
Rita S

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Re: Question of the day 11/19

Post by mmherringt »

 yep on the front it's the only one and it's broken so we don't even use it. Always sticks and looks ugly.  It's the only door  we haven't replaced but next on the list. :waiting:
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