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Cherry Cola

Camping Help please
 Ok, so before you even say I'm crazy for going camping in November because it's 30 outside right now...I know but we are still going.

The problem is I haven't been camping since I was small and have no clue how to pack.

Other than a tent and sleeping bags, clothes and personal care items can someone give me a list of things that I may need.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Camping Help please
 - a tarp with ropes or bungee cords at the corners to go over the tent or table area
 - depending on where you are going: a container for the trash that you can hang from a tree to prevent critters from getting in it
 - how will you be cooking food? we use the firepit and a coleman stove but we always pack a good knife, small cutting board, flatware, plates, mugs, cocoa packets, instant coffee, a cooler full of food, plenty of paper towels and wipes, tons of bottled water for drinking and cleaning, foil, cookware, etc.
 - Bring plenty of fire-making stuff: newspaper, matches, etc.  We also have a small hatchet for cutting up dead wood. 
 - Don't forget flashlights/lanterns and extra batteries
 - we also like to pack out folding canvas chairs for around the fire
 - bug spray (even though it is cold, you never know)
 - your own roll of TP if you are going to a place with bathrooms.  I've been "caught" too many times!
 - your toothbrush and paste will go a long way towards feeling like you aren't TOO gross :winkb:
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Re: Camping Help please
The number of a local hotel on speed dial comes to mind.

YOu're gonna freeze your tukas off !
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Camping Help please
I actully prefer camping when it's cooler because I do not like bugs.
Scrapgoo gave you a great list. A few things I'll add Toilet seat covers- extremely handy, anti bacterial soap, baby wipes, rope to hang damp face towels on & the little flashlights that strap around the head are extremely helpful because it leaves your hands free.  Since I dislike bending down & doing dishes at the spicket, we take a wide plastic bucket that we put our dish washing liquid in & wash dishes at a camp table. Then it's easy to rinse under the spicket.
Don't forget the camera. 
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Cherry Addict

Re: Camping Help please
 ewww dirt & bugs :?
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Cherry Cola

Re: Camping Help please
 Make sure you have a "down" sleeping bag.  If it's 30 degrees during the day, it will be much colder than that at night.  We camp this past August where it got to 30 at night and we froze.  But the fleece throws I stuffed in the car really helped. 
-ski caps to cover your head at night. 
-Make sure you have a tent that closes all the way, not one that lets a lot of air in. 
- you can get a tent heater that runs on propane.
-long underwear
a little kitchen set up
too cold to wash a lot, so bring disposable plates and forks
you'll still have to wash the pans, so heat the water first.
mittens or gloves
oh!  Very important*** pre cook some meals and put them in your cooler.  I generally freeze them first, but I dont think you will have a problem keeping them cold.  Try chili, spegetti, things like that.
hope that helps
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Northern Brat

Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Camping Help please
 Jess gave a great list!

I would add - warm clothes especially wool or fleece.  Layering is the way to go.  Bring mitts!

Dishsoap, matches, fire starter (newspaper), grill, foil, snacks...gotta havesnacks!!  Antifreeze like rum, sourpuss, Baileys, etc :-D 

I like to bring salad in the bag.  I cook a chicken one night and then make wraps or quesdilla (sp?) the next day with the left overs.  Hot dogs, bannock fixings, oil, heck... I could go on!  How long are you going???

Have fun!  Take your camera!  I would love to see your trip!
2012: Goal - 75 layouts 4 mini albums 20 cards --------> Progress - layouts mini album - cards
J - /6
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Product Promotions

Re: Camping Help please
The number of a good psychiatrist.  Who goes camping in November?  Ok, really, who goes campingever, when there are perfectly good hotels everywhere? :winkb:

Have fun! 

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Cherry Garcia

Re: Camping Help please
 bottle/can opener - swiss army knife -

cards - board games in case of rain -
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A Cherry on Top

Re: Camping Help please
 Camping? Outdoors?! Isn't that what RVs are for?? :)
Trish ~ It's all fun and games until somebody loses an EYELET!
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Camping Help please
 first aid kit and lots of extra socks
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Cherry Tart

Re: Camping Help please
 My camper if you want to borrow!  This is our first winter not camping...winter camping is awesome, so quiet and on sunny days a fire roaring, it's GREAT!  All of theings....just bring warm clothes, a smile and a camera!  You can always eat out!  Have fun!!!!   I'll try to post a pic of our camper last year!

Hope you have a BLAST......I am wicked jealous!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Camping Help please
 Uh, yeah...except She-She's camper is like a camping palace. It's a home away from home. LOL After a weekend of October camping in tents they went out and bought a big 'ol warm camper. LOL It was quite funny actually.

Make sure you bring LOTS of warm blankets, jackets, hats, scarves, etc. If you dont' have them you'll be miserable.
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Cherry Tart

Re: Camping Help please
 Heat is good is Bad Apple and whatever it is you were drinking in October....after a were REAL warm and toasty!!  What was that game.......2up 2down!!  Tooooooooo funny!
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Cherry Berry

Re: Camping Help please
 long johns!  have a great time!  great memory maker!  camera for sure. :)

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Cherry Bing

Re: Camping Help please
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Grandma Flowers

Cherry Cropper

Re: Camping Help please
 We haven't been camping in a long time and miss it.  I'd envy you if it weren't November.
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Cherry Picker

Re: Camping Help please
 Shovel, Matches, TP, Lantern, Table, Stove, Propane

Lots of food!  Of course.  I love camping, but my dad always brings all the stuff.
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Wild Cherry

Re: Camping Help please
 Lots of water - for drinking, for washing, etc.  Aspirin or Tylenol....last time the campfire gave me a major headache...
 You are seriously going to freeze!  We went in the summer and it was STILL freezing at night.  So can you bring like a dozen blankets?
"hoarder of supplies"
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