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School Bullies
 I am sorry,
Jeanelle Paige
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: School Bullies
 I would take this very seriously as it may have life long repercussions for your son.  Our school has a zero bullying tolerence.  I would make sure that prinicpal understood that it's not acceptable that your son be treated this way.  You are your sons best advocate and he needs you now to take a stand and make sure that there is something done about this!! 

PM me if you need more advice as we just had a 4 hr. class on bullying.
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Cherry Blossom

Re: School Bullies
I'm sorry you're son has to go through that! I would definitly talk to the principal about the situation.  I think I would be tempted to even wait at that bus stop and say a few words to that bus driver.  She is responsible for those kids while they are on that bus, kids hitting and fighting is definitly not safe and violates any school code.  She is the adult on that bus and controls what goes on and what does not go on, she needs to say something to those kids or find a solution to not having that sort of behavior on the bus; not just telling them to go sit down.  I would be furious, I am mad for you!! I would even go as far as to tell the principal that if it doesn't stop or they don't do anything and just sit back and let this happen you'll bring this issue straight to the county school board.
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Cherry Addict

Re: School Bullies
 oh sweetie, it sure isn't your day!  {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}  Sue is absolutely right, all schools should have a zero toleralce policy in place now.  I do not care how old they are, anyone who hits another human is asaulting another person and the police should be called in.  You need to go to the school and take this issue up with the principal.  If he/she does not seem to be taking it serious enough, then you tell them you will be going to the police and filing an assault complaint.  That will wake thm up.  The schools like to handle things themselves.  You need to be strong and take a stand for your son.  I hope it goes well, and keep us posted! 
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Cherry Garcia

Re: School Bullies
 I feel for your situation. I had to pull my son out of school when he was in 7th grade and transfer him to a different school because of bullying. He ended up on a death list that was found in a students binder. We had just moved here and he had been at that school for 3 months. The school would do nothing, just claim that my son draws attention to himself. BS!! Talk to your son's principal and be firm that you won't tolerate this happening. Your son has the right to SAFE place to  learn. These kids need some serious consequences as well as their parents need to know this is happening. There have been cases where parents have sued the school districts for failing to protect their children from bullying. The school district I work for is currently in a law suit for that issue involving middle school students. Bullying kills a kids self esteem and the ramifications of that are lifelong. Kids are so mean and cruel when there are no boundries for bullying and that sounds like what is happening at your sons school and on the bus. Good Luck!!
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Cherry Cola

Re: School Bullies
 I would go to the Principal and let lose!!!!  Our county has a "no bulling" policy and they stand behindit!!!  I feel for your some but sometimes it takes the parents to step in for something to be done.  I woul also talk to the bus driver and ask what needs to happen before he steps in.

Here are 2 stories that has happened here....the high school baseabll team was on a trip and stayed in a hotel  well 3 boys tried putting a coke bottle up another boys bottom and the coach found out and said not to tell anyone we will handle this ourselves!!!!!  Yea it was on the news.....

Now just a month ago the middle school soccor team was on the way back from a game and 2 8th grade boys had a 6th grader on the floor on the bus with his pants down and tried putting an apple pie box up there!!!!  The WHOLE team is now over for the rest of the year.  The bus driver and 2 school employies were on there and "heard nothing because the kids were to loud"

I pray something like this doesn't end up happening at your school by those bullies if they are not stopped NOW!!!!!  Just think you might be the person to stop it before it gets to this point.

Go and talk to EVERYONR until you get somewhere.  Don't stop with the principle if he is still getting bullied!!!

I will keep you guys in my thoughts and prayers!!
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Cherry Addict

Re: School Bullies
 I don't know what is wrong with kids now a days!?! My dd is in the same exact situation! It started last year and was really much worse than this year I think. She would be cornered, shoved, verbally threatened and abused and she was pretty good about not fighting back. The first couple instances, she got in trouble for fighting back and I had to talk to the principal about how she's being caught in the hall by these kids, harassed and then SHE gets in trouble for 'playing in the hall or being late to class', etc. They know who these other trouble making kids are but what is being done about it, huh?!  I was pissed and of course very frustrated because I have no clue what to tell my kid. They wanna know why they are being targeted or why they can't make as many friends as these apparent bullies can. It is heart wrenching! I have a good kid. She's smart, sometimes dh thinks it's her braininess that turns others kids off toward her. She always has her nose in a book and spends some of her lunch recesses in GT (Gifted & Talented Students group). Why cant she find a good group of friends? Why do the majority of these girls gang up with the mean ones? Most often, there are no teachers around to see things happen, or the teacher just tells them to work it out among themselves.
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Cherry Cola

Re: School Bullies
That is just horrible

Take charge of the situtation is all I can say. If the princpal won't do anything go over his head. Let them know you won't tolerate this.

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Cherry Garcia

Re: School Bullies
 This just breaks my heart. Your poor ds. :(

 I worry about this kind of thing when my ds goes to school, especially because he is autistic.

 I have heard that martial art classes do a world of good for kids. NOT so they can learn to fight. It helps because it increases self esteem and gives the child a sense of control and power in their lives.

 Why are kids so cruel? Do their parents know what is going on?

 I really hope you and your ds can get some answers and more importantly, action. Your ds deserves to feel safe at school.
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Cherry Tart

Re: School Bullies
 this burns me up on the inside.  i don't allow that with my kids at all.  YOU are going to have to be his advocate and put the school in check.  the reason i say this is because, as long as no one comes forth(adult) they will continue to act like they have no idea its happenning.  also if you have to go above the principle do that.  talk to that bus driver and let them know that he's being picked on and you will not tolerate her nonchalant attitude.  Do what you have to. This is why kids come to school with guns and kill other kids. 

if you need anything let me know.  i lived in saratoga springs and i know it can be a bit much in upstate ny.  i have no problem having your back girl.  if you need someone to speak on your behalf let me know.  i have no problem opening my big mouth!!!!!!  also take her bumblebby's advice on the martial arts. it really does help with the self esteem.
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Cherry Cola

Re: School Bullies
 All these wonderful ladies are right.  No one will look after your son better than you, and SQUEAKY WHEEL GETS THE GREASE!  You can try being nice, but if that doesnt work, you're going to have to let loose!
My daughter didnt tell me about her being bullied in 5 th grade, I only knew that a couple of girls were sending her emails, so I tried to address it with the parents first.  then the whole thing came to head in May.  It was a horrible mess, and I wish I had known about the extent of it sooner.  The kids wont respect what  you are doing for your son, but he WILL!  And hopefully it will teach the kids a lesson.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: School Bullies
 I would start with the principal and if you don't get answers immediately, keep going and keep complaining. 

good luck!  We had issues in our school system 2 years ago of a kindergartener bullying a fellow classmate - it took forever to get the issue resolved but the mom fought and fought for her son.  Even with a zero tolerance, it's hard to prove and some aren't willing to get involved.  But make them!
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Jenna - Mom to Emily (2/02) & Kaitlyn (2/04)
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: School Bullies
 I'm sitting her bawling!! Bullying is HORRIBLE and should not be tolerated. Kids can be so horrible...

I agree with what everyone else has said....start with the principal and don't stop until something is done. Is there a way that you can pick him up from school so he doesn't have to ride the bus? A friend and I would get picked on all of the time. One girl tied a tampon in my friend's hair and put gum in her hair. It was horrible!! My friend and I would sit behind the bus driver but that didn't even mean we were safe. We'd get off of the bus and have to wait around until the bell rang.

I would suggest just being there for your son. When he gets home from school and before bed just sit with him and talk. It took a lot of courage for him to come to friend and I never went to our parents. We were afraid of the repercussions of telling on the bullies. Even if he doesn't want to talk about the bullies just spending time with him so he knows you're there is so important!

BIG HUGS to you and your heart is breaking for both of you. :(
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: School Bullies
bumblebby wrote: 
 Why are kids so cruel? Do their parents know what is going on?

I think in a lot of cases the parents don't care or they have a "not my kid"...attitude. It's sickening. I think a lot of the kids that are bullies too come from bad situations themselves...where they're bullied. I know that's not in all cases but it seems to be pretty common.
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Digital Designers

Re: School Bullies
 Thank you everyone for your advice. I am going in tomorrow AM to talk with the principal by myself. I am afraid that if my son is there I will cry and I don't want him to see how weak I am. I was bullied in school too and I know how horrible it makes kids feel. I STILL have self esteem issues over it! I am going to do what my mother didn't though, take action and make it stop! They HAVE to do something right?  I just can't let it go on. I can pick my kids up from school. I think I will do that until there is a step taken to protect my son. I also have an 8 year old and 5 year old on that same bus. We have had problems EVERY year with this bus driver! My DH got in a screaming match with the guy! There is no monitor, something which I will be nicely demanding tomorrow. Last year there were kids in the back of the bus having oral sex!! 5th graders!! My son told me about it, which made the sex talk a bit harder. :?

Well... soon I will going to bed. I hope tomorrow is a better day. Start of a new life... I am gonna stay focused and DO instead of sitting around wishing. I am so lucky to have you ladies and this board. :inlove:
Thank you to everyone!
Jeanelle Paige
My Blog ~ Lots of cool stuff there!!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: School Bullies
 Jeanelle - good luck with the principal tomorrow - I hope they take it seriously - the sooner it is nipped in the bud the better.  What a terrible thing for you both have to go through.  My niece is now living with us for the year since she had to transfer schools because she was bullied.  I hope you can get this all worked out successfully

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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: School Bullies
 Oh Jeanelle!  That's absolutely horrible.  I HATE that! :x  My little brother had a really hard time at school too, and no one helped him.  Not even other mothers who witnessed him being clobbered...nice, huh?

I so hope you can get it all straightened out.  I just don'tknow what I'd do in your situation!  I have a super low tollerance for mean people!

erica :)
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Cherry Cola

Re: School Bullies
 Get in touch w/ the Manager of the Transportation Dept. Once they hear about the bullying and the oral sex (unreal), they should take some action.We had a problem bus driver....horrible driving...taking off, stopping short. Parents complained and now that driver is no more. good luck, stand strong!

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Cherry Bing

Re: School Bullies
 I have no advice but I wanted to send hugs and to tell you to stay strong for your kids and for yourself. Good for you for standing up for your child, no one should ever have to deal with what you and your son are dealing with. I would definitely call someone in the transport office and if you don't get satisfactory response I would go to the school board.

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: School Bullies
Yup I would start with the principal.....most schools stress the "no bullying" rule and he should be made aware that this is going on. The bullies need to learn before they leave elelmentary school that bullying is wrong. Good Luck today! 
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