I'd definitely speak to the store manager about the texting while working. SHe is there to work not text.
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
This is why I bag my own groceries.... I hate the way someone else does it! I would complain for sure.
2024 Layout goal ~ 14/100 2024 Word ~ FOCUS
I would not have even left the store without talking to the manager. I feel a paying customer deserves 100% of the attention of the person checking them out. They are dealing with your money, after all. That would have done it for me right there...then the other stuff. Call!
I never wait for someone to bag my stuff. I think they go slow so you DO bag your own stuff!
I used to be a "celebrity cherry", but now I'm in re-hab...... Holy Carp!
Grocery store baggers suck! I always take my recylcle bags to the grocery store. Last Thursday, I handed the bagger boy 6 recycle bags. Guess how many he used......yep, none! When I was done with the transaction, I looked in my cart and saw all the plastic bags then looked at bagger boy and said, "I handed you these bags for a reason. I don't want plastic bags". He then asks, "would you like me to re-bag them in your bags". Um, yeah you think. So he precedes to put the plastic bags inside my recycle bags and I flipped out. I said, no, no, no! No plastic please. So I then started taking everything out of the plastic bags and putting them in my recycle bags. People in line are getting antsy and the cashier turns her flicker on, lol. Over comes the manager and asks if there is a problem. I say yes and explain. She looks at bagger boy and rolled her eyes then started to help me rebag.
live well, laugh often, love much
live well, laugh often, love much