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Cherry Blossom

dinner menu's
I order groceries on Sunday, and then I actually make up our meals for the week on Sunday and freeze them.  When the kids have something going on then we just pop one of the frozen meals in the oven.  Even if they don't have something going on.  It only takes us about 1 hour to prepare our meals and freeze them.  I purchased 6 9x13 pans.  I leave one day for eating out....
Your children will become what you are; so be what you want them to be.
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Cherry Cola

dinner menu's
Nope - never EVER did menus.  Now it's just 2 of us and we shop the sales.  When Econo has their big pork sales, we buy about $100 worth of meat; I use a food vacuum machine to freeze it in small portions.  Right now all we have in the freezer in chicken, so chicken it'll be.  We get frozen and canned veggies when they're on sale and usually make rice to go with the meat and veggies. Lots of times we just have rice and veggies (Note to self: a 10 pound bag of rice is far too much for 2 people*)  LOLJean
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Bowl Full of Cherries

dinner menu's
I don't make up a menu, but I buy groceries once a week.  DH is home before me, so he gets to cook dinner during the week and decides what to make.  Our meals are simple:  meat, pasta or rice, vegetable.  I make sure we have enough canned and frozen veggies.  For meat, during the summer, DH grills on Sunday evenings, and we have enough for at least one more meal during the week and for another meal or two that get frozen.  One of my friends is a SAHM and would have the same problem so she started making the same things each week:  tacos one night, spaghetti another, etc.  Then once she got in the habit of buying stuff, she'd replace one of the regular meals with a new recipe.  Her family (she has 3 kids) really enjoyed that, even if they didn't always like the new recipe.
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Cherry Cropper

dinner menu's
I don't.....at least not yet....but now that I see this topic.....I am thinking about it!!!
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Cherry Berry

dinner menu's
My friend does this, to simplify life, and to budget! I have tried it too, its hard to start doing, but once you do, you will be glad!BTW~ Glad u posted this, so I could start again!
Try  Flylady.com you will like that for suggestions too!
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Cherry Cola

dinner menu's
We make up a dinner menu every week. It makes dinner time much easier because I always know what I'm going to cook and I only have to make one trip to the grocery store. We spend much less time shopping, cooking and less money!
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