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Cherry Bing

bad Midwest drivers
Don't travel in my neck of the woods. We don't have crazy drivers....just stupid ones. Four people at a 4-way stop and no one knows what to do.  So what DO they do? Two people start waving the two other people on.....they both start to move.....then they both stop and then we're back at the 4-way stop where no one knows what to do. LOL!  A yield sign means stop in the middle of the road....regardless if anyone is coming. They think the turning lane in the middle of a two-lane road is an acceleration lane. And driver's ed. is REQUIRED here.Lived in Hampton, VA as well. The drivers there weren't half as bad as the ones here. They were loud and rude, but they understood the basic principles of driving. Oh yeah....but the tunnel......who says you have to slam on brakes just because you're going into a tunnel? That used to drive me BATTY!Florida drivers make their own rules. I hate driving in Florida. First time I ever saw someone pass in the MIDDLE of two lanes was in Florida. The best way to drive in Florida is to close your eyes, grip the wheel and hope for the best. LOL!Atlanta drivers aren't's just too stinkin' busy. They need like 16 lanes on each side.Charleston kills me. One way streets everywhere. You don't want to see ME driving in Charleston. I usually park and walk. LOL!And let me just add Pennsylvania to the list while I'm at it. God bless the Amish people, but they need their own road. Nothing like coming up a hill going 60 MPH and meeting a buggy on the other side going clippity-clop. Locals just whip around them.....coming at you head on.....and expect you to hit the side of the road. But you can't.....because if you did you'd hit a huge pile of either cow or horse sh!t and then it's all over.  And they have curves so tight you can see the back and front ends of your car at the same time. But of course those blessed locals......if they can hit them at 90 MPH they start yelling all kinds of northern jibberish and flip you the bird.....just because.
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Cherry Bing

bad Midwest drivers
Hey, SharonMN, know that ACOT is IN Michigan, right? I will agree that Detroit is crazy.  In fact, the southern section of the state just seems to be more aggressive in general.  Flint can be pretty nuts, too, but not as bad as Detroit.  Just remember in Michigan that the left lane is considered the passing lane and the "I'm going to drive 90 because I think getting tickets is fun!" lane to drive in and stay out of it.  You'll be fine Ohio people - you are slow.  As Ava says, "Just GO already!" 
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Cherry Blossom

bad Midwest drivers
Yeah, well, I agree with you there about Florida drivers, but let me tell you...probably 90% of those Florida drivers....Came from SOMEWHERE ELSE!   ROFL!!!   Man, do I HATE snowbird season! 
the pea known as "can_i_pea_2"
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Cherry Delight

bad Midwest drivers
Amen, meri-lyn! I think the problem with Florida drivers is that they ALL drive differently based on where they learned to drive. Of course, I learned to drive here so I KNOW what I'm doing. LOL 
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Rosa sat so that Martin could walk. Martin walked so that Barack could run. Barack ran so that our children could fly.
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Chatty Cherry

bad Midwest drivers
furry, maybe you are the bad driver with your excellent CA driving skillz? j/kmiranda i knew that was you!@!!!!
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Cherry Blossom

bad Midwest drivers
me too, nene, in So. Fla, no less... LOL!  Have you been on the Palmetto lately (shutters in fear!)? 
the pea known as "can_i_pea_2"
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Cherry Delight

bad Midwest drivers
I'm WAY up north from you in Jacksonville.
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Cherry Blossom

bad Midwest drivers
Becky - yes, I realize that ACOT is in Michigan.  And Ohio drivers drive the SPEED LIMIT because we like to refer to the state patrol as the GESTAPO!!What drives me crazy here in MN is that people slow down to go over bridges.  This is fine in the winter.  I don't like spinning out because of frozen decks, either.  But when it's June, and 90°, KEEP MOVING!
Sharon, AKA organist37
"Embrace your inner freak" -Zach, Heroes, Season 1
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

bad Midwest drivers
I'm hating on Marin County drivers in California. I grew up in Los Angeles and there IS a huge difference in the way people drive in Southern and Northern California. Especially Marin County. Frustrates me to no end.....
- Shannon

I have an everyday religion that works for me. Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line.
-Lucille Ball

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