Who is thankful today?

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Cherry Cola
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Who is thankful today?

Post by Panda »

I\'m very thankful that my ds\' post-op appt went well today.I\'m thankful that I can pay bills today.I\'m very thankful for all the good friends I have met here.
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Cherry Cola
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Who is thankful today?

Post by lisajo »

i am thankful for the thoughtful people at my churchi am thankful that my dads heart medicine is seeming to help some, and that he hasn't had any kind of reaction to it.i am thankful that i get off work in less than an hour :)i am thankful that yesterday my boss decided we wouldn't work anymore saturdays after today. 
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Cherry Cola
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Who is thankful today?

Post by lisajo »

i am also thankful that they think that they got all my cousins cancer. and she is at home resting now.
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Who is thankful today?

Post by 4boys »

I am thankful to live in this country where we are blessed with so many  opportunities many take for granted. While in so many other countries there is no freedom, no education, primitive medical treatment, no food or water and daily violence. ~ Christine
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Cherry Cola
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Who is thankful today?

Post by annaspeakin »

I am thankful that God has watched over me and my family especially this last week when we were under the weather.  I am thankful for all of you wonderful ladies on here that wished get well wishes and sent prayers to Rachell.  I am thankful for everyone who has replied to my 2 dds posts.  It put a smile on their face!  I am thankful for my DH who left me a note the other night that read, "Anna, I love you, Always and forever."
meow meow!!
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Queen Mum
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Who is thankful today?

Post by Queen Mum »

I'm thankful for the folks at Hospice who are doing what they can to help keep my sister comfortable.
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Who is thankful today?

Post by Stormy_Cat »

Thanks for bringing this back upI am thankful for all of you. I can't thank you enough for all the love and support in this trying time.Thanks everyone
Ryan is 4 years old!
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Cherry Cola
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Who is thankful today?

Post by lisajo »

i am thankful, again today for my health , for there are so many that aren't blessed with it.i am thankful for what i do have. 
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Cherry Cola
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Who is thankful today?

Post by lisajo »

i am thankful, again today for my health , for there are so many that aren't blessed with it.i am thankful for what i do have. 
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Cherry Bing
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Who is thankful today?

Post by Nell »

I am thankful that when I took Ian to the dr today, it was only an ear infection. Many families face so much worse with their children.I am thankful we have a doctor right here in town and that he's so compassionate and that my kids adore him.Nell
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Queen Mum
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Who is thankful today?

Post by Queen Mum »

I'm thankful for clean sheets.   This may sound so silly but one of my joys in life is after a hard day I take a shower with something that smells nice and put on a clean nightie and crawl into clean sheets.   The feel of them and the clean scent is a beautiful thing.   I can lay there and pretend to feel the sun on my face warming me but a cool breeze cooling me.I close my eyes and listen to waves lapping the shore and sort of let myself float away.    So peaceful
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Who is thankful today?

Post by MargieM »

I am thankful for emotion . . . happiness, sadness, joy, love, anger, impatience/patience . . . feeling emotion reminds me that I am alive without them what would life be?
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Cherry Cola
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Who is thankful today?

Post by lisajo »

i am thankful for the sunshinie todayand i am thankful for the good time i had last night at choir practicei am thankful that my dads heart rate went up some last nighti am thankful for musici am thankful that people don't get really mad at me when i am a "little" bossy :) 
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Who is thankful today?

Post by Shutterbug »

Knowing that I have friends in this world.
I used to be indecisive; now I'm not sure.
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Who is thankful today?

Post by ScrapMomof3 »

I am thankful for my life.  To be able to wake up everyday and be able to walk, talk, hear, feel, etc.I am thankful that I am fortunate enough to be able to stay home with my children and just have my hubby working.I am thankful for my family, my hubby's family and our extended families.  How fortunate we are to have many people to love and to love us.
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Cherry Tart
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Who is thankful today?

Post by goofycatmeow »

I am thankful for having a wonderful sister like Gloria I love her so much, she very caring and so sweet.  But I wish we could see each other more offen..
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Sweet Cherry Pie
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Who is thankful today?

Post by FrannyJay »

I am thankful for sweetness in my gd's face as she talks about starting a new preschool tomorrow.  I am thankful I can drive her there. And I am thankful that the medical form  we will be taking in with us says she is 44' tall and weighs 44lbs. and that she is healthy. Thank You Lord.Franny
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Who is thankful today?

Post by gratefulgrama »

Mum, I can't tell you how many times I've crawled into my bed at night and thanked God for it.  You're right; there's not much better than the feel of clean sheets.  Or of warm water washing your hands when it's cold outside!I'm thankful that we didn't get nearly as much rain as had been predicted.I'm thankful that there are only two more work days this week.I'm thankful that my gd continues to grow and be strong and learn every day.Ginnie
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Cherry Cola
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Who is thankful today?

Post by annaspeakin »

I am thankful that I have to tell my 7 month old son, NO so many times throughout the day.  Because that shows that he is active and healthy (and getting into everything, LOL).  I am thankful that we have a roof over our head and food on the table.  I am thankful that each one of us here at home has gotten over their colds.
meow meow!!
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Cherry Cropper
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Who is thankful today?

Post by Suzanne_FL »

i am thankful that we survived Frances.I am thankful for the men and women that are out there working to make our community whole again.I am thankful for my parents, who opened their home to me and my family until we regain electricity.I will be thankful (VERY) when I get electricity back!
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