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Cherry Cola

Who is thankful today?
i am thankful for my family, friends, health & their health.i am thankful for a good conversation with a friend.i am thankful for sincere complaints for people you know and people you don't even know.i am thankful for the sunshine.the anticipation of a holiday.today, i could name so many things, i feel so blessed.  over the past few weeks i have really tried to change my attitude and it has really made a difference in my feelings.  i am feeling really grateful for the life i have.
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Who is thankful today?
Making a difference to just one person.As many of you know, I do collections.   It can be difficult at times but most of the time the job is so rewarding .  There are times when I can help someone get on track with their payments and get caught up.    Once in a while I get a note saying thank you for helping - and it just makes me smile.  They did all the hard work to get themselves current.   They may have had to sacrifice something to do it - but yet they say thank you to me.All I do is make a few suggestions and cheer them on.  
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Who is thankful today?
I am thankful for my son, who is my biggest fan. He always tells me "I love you sooooooooo much mommy", which was nice to hear this morning..............
I used to be a "celebrity cherry", but now I'm in re-hab...... Holy Carp!
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Cherry Blossom

Who is thankful today?
I am very thankful for my job!!I enjoy working with the kindergarteners.  Each day they bring something new to the day and lift me up when my soul needs a lift.Candi
Friendship is a special kind of sharing.
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Cherry Cola

Who is thankful today?
i am thankful for this one special friend that i have that helps me sort through all my issues. :)no really i am so thankful for my friend, he is someone i can always count on to give it to me straight, or tell me what i should do when i don't have a clue.he is also not one on compliments , but  when he gives you one it makes it even more special becuase you know he means it that it is really sincere,and is coming from the heart.
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Who is thankful today?
Gloria...such a wonderful topic to bring up!  I'm thankful for:you...for bringing attentiion to us to let every one know what we are thankful for, because it makes us think and to consider.my children...who may not behave or listen to me all the time, but are special, unique, smart, healthy...my dh...who even though I may not always realize and appreciate all he does for me, he is my best friend - my soul mate - my confidant - my lover - and much moremy frieds...who are there for me not just in good times but in sad or bad timesmy pets...who even though one just peed in my closet a couple days ago causing me to throw away 8 (yes 8) pair of shoes (sandles, runners, dress, boots...) are very loving and comforting friends who we consider to be a part of our familyfriends (both in person and online) and family members near and far...who love me for who I am and not what I'm notGod...because without him, there is nothingThe list could go on and on!
"May you always have memories to scrap!" ~ Diana
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Who is thankful today?
With Thanksgiving just a week away it brings to mind so many more things that we have to be thankful for - the bounty we have, the charitable people in our lives, the chance to be charitable ourselves. There are so many things - little things that we take for granted that we can be thankful for:  Clean water that comes from multiple taps in our homes, flicking a switch to have light, opening a cupboard to find food, blankets at night. The list goes on and on as does this list....
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Cherry Cola

Who is thankful today?
i am thankful for running into a long lost love last night at the store, even if it didn't go well.  it was still really great to see him, and hear his voice again.i am thankful that i live in america, i have been heading up the operation christmas child project at my church , and learning about these peoples conditions in other countries is a real eye opener.i am thankful, that it is finally the holiday season, it is my favorite time of year, it seems like it is the season for miracles to happen. i don't know it just seems like a magical timeof year.i am thankful for how much the kids at my church love me, and want to always be around me. i think it is so cute that they meet me at the car ever sunday morning. i don't ever want to take their love for granted.i am thankful for my friend, lottie, she is the one i can always go to when i am upset and just want someone to listen, she is also the one i can go to to just have alot of laughs and fun with. i am really thankful to have a friend like her.i am thankful for my job , even on the bad days because it helps to provide the things i need.i am thankful for the dawning of a new day, after the night.  it gives you the chance to start all over again. 
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Cherry Cola

Who is thankful today?
I am very thankful that my kids got over their flu.  They all seem to be on the upside of it now.  I am thankful that I have gotten my voice back to some degree.  (although, DH and kids were loving it w/ mom not having a voice).  I am thankful that my cold didnt turn into pneumonia and that it is somewhat better.I am thankful for the special friends I have made on here.  You know who you are......the caring pm's, the thoughtful cards, the im's.  Thank you!!!!
meow meow!!
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Cherry Cropper

Who is thankful today?
I am thankful for a place to come and chat!!  I had a problem that I was totally stumped on and posting it here gave me some great solutions! 
Are You Ready for some FoOtBaLl?!!
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Who is thankful today?
I'm thankful for the contentment I feel.   Even with lots of stuff going on in my life and things being hectic, there is also a feeling of contentment.   There have been times in my life when I've not been happy in my own skin.   I didn't even want to be around myself.I feel so at peace with where I am and how I am handling things for the most part.   That's a great gift.   I'm thankful for that.
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Who is thankful today?
Old friends who are not afraid to say, "I love  you".
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Wild Cherry

Who is thankful today?
I am thankful for:Friends that take the time to btt this thread and help to remind us of everything that we have to be thankful for!!Thanks, Glo!! 
I wouldn\'t be broke if the voices in my head paid rent!
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Cherry Cropper

Who is thankful today?
Today I am thankful for the years of my life. Today I am thankful for my DDDDDH, who is painstakingly assembling the first on many pieces of my new office furniture. He took the day off today to be with me on my birthday.Today I am thankful to be alive and healthy...after half a century.
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Cherry Bing

Who is thankful today?
I am thankful that God lent me an angel for nearly twenty-nine years.I thank God for the gift that my son, David was.Christina
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Cherry Tart

Who is thankful today?
I'm thankful that my 7 month old is a happy soul.
- Kim
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Cherry Cola

Who is thankful today?
I am so thankful for the sound of my 2 dds giggling.  I am thankful that I have to tell Zane a million times a day NO cuz that means he's adventerous and growing.  I am very thankful for a wonderful friend who has thought about us this upcoming holiday.  And, I am thankful for all the wonderful friends that I have made on here. 
meow meow!!
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Who is thankful today?
I am thankful that I will have the opportunity to help make a Thanksgiving dinner for some of the veterans at the Legion.   These men and woman have served our country and this is such a tiny way of thanking them for what they have done for us,
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Who is thankful today?
I'm thankful for the long weekend.  I took some time for doing some things I wanted to do (Making new drapes to match the bedspread).  It felt a bit selfish but it seems now that I have recharged my batteries.  I needed that 'selfish' time.
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Cherry Cropper

Who is thankful today?
I am so thankful for so many things!That the Lord got me through this Thanksgiving holiday without my grandaughter!  That He gave me more grandbabies to love and to be loved by them!  For such a wonderful husband!  For the roof over our heads and the food on our table!  most of all that He still loves me even though I dont deserve it!
We have to forgive! If we don't forgive, we'll get left behind! janet rose

Love people & use things--- Not love things & use people!

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