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In the month of JULY....

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:19 pm
by TheFiberLady
What new and spectacular happened in your life in the month of July?

How many LO's did you finish in July?

What is your themes for July? are you working on summer ones or last years christmas? lol

Did you go on any trips in the month of July? where?

Re: In the month of JULY....

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:21 pm
by TheFiberLady
What new and spectacular happened in your life in the month of July?
I became an RN and celebrated my 40th birthday party

How many LO's did you finish in July?
None, nada, zero...hoping to start up again though soon lol

What is your themes for July? are you working on summer ones or last years christmas? lol
still none, nada, zero hoping to change that in the month of August, september

Did you go on any trips in the month of July? where?

We went to my family reunion in Warba, MN and we took a trip as well up to Bayfield, WI love camping on Lake Superior!!!