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Swap Ideas!- Let's get it started again!!

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 12:20 pm
by Niki
Just thought I would put some ideas out there maybe we can get something going.

I know postage has gone up so 12 x12 paper swaps are out. But what about smaller swaps? For example

1.inchie or twinchie swaps (aka deco squares) but you make them 1x1 or 2x2.

2. card swaps- ( we can all use more cards)

3. page swaps like we use to but everyone buys their own paper and we just swap the made items

4. recipe card swaps

5. theme swaps (you pick a theme like cupcakes and everyone makes an item with that them)

6. ATC swaps

7. Tag swap banners

8. small embellishement swaps

I am sure if some of the lurkers around here and willing to get something started we will get some newbies popping in and can get this board hopping again. But if no one is even willing to give it a try then it won't happen.

You lurkers out there I know who you are.... you are just like me and can't stay away from this board in hopes that it will get hopping again. Don't make me call you out..... LMAO!!!:-D

Come on yall post somemore suggestions or show interest in something I have posted let's do this!!!! GET SWAPPING!!!

Re: Swap Ideas!- Let's get it started again!!

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 10:31 am
by scrapy1967
I like the card swaps and we did a cricut swap that was fun. I would be willing to do it again.

Re: Swap Ideas!- Let's get it started again!!

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 12:40 pm
by Vicky
You've got some good ideas; page swaps, theme swaps, maybe card and small embellishment ones too.

It would depend on due dates too, things have been really hectic for me for the last few months.

Re: Swap Ideas!- Let's get it started again!!

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 4:45 pm
by Charliesangel
I love the recipe card swap. I think we did them last time in 6x6 size and we had to go by the same papers. REALLY cute!! I think you are right about the 12x12 paper but if we just got our own papers that might work too. also we might have to limit how many swaps people host. It was just WAY out of hand!!

Re: Swap Ideas!- Let's get it started again!!

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 7:53 pm
by Krimpet
OMG - where the heck have you been Niki? How's that beautiful daughter of yours, Ariel. How old is she now? And Keira I keep up w/ you on Facebook even though I don't post.
OK - back on topic - Love the Card Swaps and I just recently got into the Inchies/twinchies. I like the idea of the page swaps where we buy our own paper to match. Ah heck, I'm up for any kind of swap.


Re: Swap Ideas!- Let's get it started again!!

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 2:25 am
by Niki
OMG Carolyn so good to see you on here. I looked you up on Kiera's facebook and sent you a friends request. I didn't know you were on fb.

Arielle is great she is 9 now. We actually just moved from Reno back to CA. So nice to be close to the area I grow up. It is funny everytime I leave I always end up back here.. LoL. Any way we are in Pleasanton CA about 1/2 hour from my hometown. Arielle is doing great and has made a few close friends and we have only been here about a month.

okay let's see

due dates what about 2-3 month out due date.

hostessing- let's stick to 2-3 swaps per hostess for now. We can figure out later if we want to extend that if it starts hopping.

how about we start with a card swap? 6per group? maybe themes?

birthday, thank you, congratulations, Thinking of you, Generic (no theme)- we can do other holidays if there is interest. But I was thinking more of cards we can use year round.

Let me know who is interested.

Also anyone heard of a candy card... basically it is handmade stickers like Jolee's or Paper Bliss

any interest in this? I posted some links

Re: Swap Ideas!- Let's get it started again!!

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 5:48 am
by TheFiberLady
2 words for ya...basic grey! lol sounds like fun. i can't remember the last time i went scrapbook shopping. I put myself on a diet since i have like 8 big totes of swaps and 2 whole rooms of supplies lol.

swaps sound fun

beach ones are always cool, 4th of july, cards, cards ATC cards.

i would say it's definately a smart idea about limiting the # of swaps per hostess so so many people don't get burned if a hostess flakes.

Re: Swap Ideas!- Let's get it started again!!

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 11:40 am
by Niki
okay gonna give it a try... I am posting two swaps

1. a card swap

2. a candy card swap... please check them out

Re: Swap Ideas!- Let's get it started again!!

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 6:30 pm
by simplykate
Hi there! I use to hang out here alot, but then I got addicted to another site because of the swaps! Just wondering how yours are going?? I would definitely be willing to host one, but it looks like all the excitement peetered out.