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Tam I Am

Cherry Blossom

Tagging members....
I'm sure the board has a specific kind of setup so it's not likely possible but just wondering...

If there's a way to add an option to tag someone so they get a notification you left them a post. Right now the only way I see to do that is to quote a post of theirs.  I actually did that and just removed all of the text because it seemed unnecessary to quote someone's post in order to tell them something.  And some of the posts are LONG so that take's up a lot of space. Especially if it's a quote in a quote when someone quoted someone else. :lol:  It's also easier to respond to multiple people in one post that way rather than quote each person individually. 

Just a thought.
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Cherry Crush

Re: Tagging members....
Right now, I believe that is the only way to "tag" a member.  It would be a very nice feature, though!
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