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Profile of Lindsay

About Me

Wife to Kyle, full-time working mother to Parker, Devlin and my stepdaughter Hallie, scrapbooking is one of the precious hobbies I give myself. In addition to scrapping, I love reading and music.

I began scrapping in 2003 after the birth of Parker and started as a paper scrapper. If you go waaaaay back in my gallery, you can see those early gems LOL! A Cherry on Top was the first Creative Team I worked for - first as a paper scrapper and then I helped build the digital store in 2005. As Digital Scrapbooking Coordinator, I recruited ACOT's first ever Digi CT and it's first designers. It was an incredible experience and I got to "meet" so many cool people!

In 2007, I "retired" after my laptop and a Coca-Cola bottle had an unfriendly encounter. With no scrapping computer, I retired from multiple teams and hung up my scrapping hat for a little while. In early summer 2011, I dusted that baby back off and slipped it on again. I'm currently on teams for Libby Pritchett, Seatrout Scraps, and LDrag Designs.

I have been published several times (Memory Makers, Simple Scrapbooks, Scrapbook Trends, Cantata Books, and Kodak). I have servied on creative teams for ACOT (paper & digital), and done digital work for Dani Mogstad, Christy Lyle, Kristin Cronin-Barrow, Traci Reed, Michelle Underwood, Marcie Reckinger, Paula Duncan, Bree Clarkson, and Rachel Giallongo.

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